Sunday, June 12, 2011

Monday's Music Moves Me


I'm Head Conductor of this LOVE TRAIN.  Let me introduce everyone! XmasDolly  Head Conductor, me!  My Co-Conductors: Lorie of  The Shewbridges of Celebration, Florida,LARRY from Cakeblast, and CALLIE from JAmericanSpice (APPLAUSE). 

ALL ABOARD!  We're eager to greet you at the station, and we're  F-O-L-L-O-W-I-N-G U, as soon as your train arrives & leave your link, leave a comment & check our linky for your next stop!  Rock to the tunes AND FOLLOW!  Don't forget GET THOSE NEW NEIGHBORS!
 If for any reason you cannot do a video or don't want too, you can still dance with us and listen to everyone's choices. Only thing we ask is grab our button, follow us, and leave us a luvin' comment & FOLLOW - FOLLOW YOUR NEIGHBORS & drop a line!

*NOTICE! We're family friendly blogs. R rated videos must come with a "warning" Viewer needs to choose to see it in case children are around!  

ALSO:    Some bloggers have been using our linky for a Advertising their give-aways, and/or just for followers.  I'm asking everyone if this happens ignore them.  Play by the rules or leave.  None of my fellow host/hostesses will follow you or enter your give-away.  You will be ignored.  We reserve the right to delete anyone that's not playing or following the rules.  If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask.  We still love ya!    
So, are ya ready to rock & roll?  I SAID ARE YOU READY TO ROCK & ROLL?     CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT YOU WANNA ROCK ME WITH TODAY!             Today's theme:  It's my Happy Birthday to me.  So, play a song you think I'll like for my birthday!
So, here's the RULES:

First:  You Tube, and lock & load!   Upcoming themes are to your RIGHT.
Secondly:  Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button (on the right).
Third:  SIGN THE LINKY - Follow us (see above), grab our buttons & leave us a GOOD comment from your BAD selves!
Finally,Boogie on down to your Fellow Rockin' Bloggers on our Linky or bring some back with you to join us! Drag them back a kickin' and a hollarin' who cares, just bring them back!!! 
GET A TUNE, GRAB OUR  BUTTON, FOLLOW US, SIGN OUR LINKY, AND FIND FELLOW ROCKERS AND BRING THEM BACK! picks two people to showcase in our 4M SPOTLIGHT DANCEWOO HOO!  I will e-mail you, and let you know, so please leave your e-mail address if it's not available at your blog.

RaveRave Girl
Drum Roll
    1.  #25 - Artsnark
    2.  #10 - If I could Escape


This week the theme is:  Play one for me!

So if you'll see in my Post yesterday I got a Sony Cybershot camera for my birthday, and Hubby had a gig yesterday so I taped a song I happen to like for you.  Introducing "Keep your hands to yourself" and Designated Riders!

That one featured Mike Tassi
Now this one is called "Badge" featuring muwahhhh's hubby!!!
So how do you like the camera so far???  WOO HOO!
Okay, just one more "Pride & Joy" featuring guess who?

This was put on Utube with this comment:
This is for my lady with the camera - my loving wife, Marie!

And from All of us at Monday's Music Moves Me to ALL of you!
May God Bless each & every one of you!
Visit Amanda, Run DMT, and Hairbows & Guitar Picks for more Music Monday fun.
post signature


Introducing Mr. Cool said...

Happy Birthday, and I hope you have a very pleasant day!

Blogger Broadcast said...

happy birthday, and blogsversary. they are both great celebrations.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! I'm so envious - just what I want for my birthday. Enjoy your special gift. Special gift for a special lady.

Big Hugglez and Kissies, sweetcheeks!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday :)

Wanted to let you know that I won't be online tomorrow so I have this scheduled to post. I went ahead and linked up so I'll be set for tomorrow. If this is not ok, go ahead and delete my link :)

Artsnark said...

Well, Happy Birthday! Looks like youare having a great time with your present :D Hope you have a fantastic week

If I Could Escape . . . said...

Hapy happy birthday!! Glad to be in the spotlight this week! Sa-weet!!

Run DMT said...

Happy Birthday, Sweetie! You hubby ROCKS and so does that camera. Enjoy them both! :-)

Stacy Uncorked said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY, my friend! :) And Happy Blogiversary, too! Your hubby and the camera both ROCK for sure! :) Hope you have the best birthday ever - which is certainly looking to be, eh? ;)

Today Is Your Birthday so We Will Rock You with Alcohol - MMMM

Gigi Ann said...

Happy, happy, happy, that was fun.

Amethystmoon said...

Have a rockin' birthday!

Cathy Kennedy said...

Happy birthday, Chicka! Hope you have a fabulous day! Also, congrats on your 2nd blogoversary.... And, thanks for hosting MMM!!!

Cathy Kennedy, Children's Author
The Tale of Ole Green Eyes

Read today's post ...
Monday’s Music Moves Me{Happy Birthday to Xmas Dolly!}
Meet Me On Monday

dollycas aka Lori said...


Lucy said...

Happy Birthday!!!! I hope I got a song you like!!! Enjoy your day!

Liz Mays said...

You're going to have a blast with your new camera. Happy Birthday, mama!

CMash said...

Happy Birthday Big Sis!!!!!!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Happy....happy birthday....what a wonderful present....the camera and the video...

Rhiannon said...

Happy Birthday!!! Have a great day!

Classic NYer said...

Dude, your man ROCKS!

Anonymous said...

This is so cool! I have no idea how to post a video.... and you thought because you were not a reader the bloggers would shun you ..... all I have to say is pppaaaasssshhhhawww woman!!!! I am so glad we are new friends....I will stop by ... but do not count on me sending in a video ---- :)
Have a great week!
Oh yeah....did I say Happy Birthday?

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

Coming by late but Happy Birthday!
COme on over and see your wishes!
~Naila Moon

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

LOL-I signed as #28! :-)
Hope your birthday was a blast! See you soon and thanks!!! :)
~Naila Moon

Colette S said...

Happy Belated birthday to you Dolly. These songs are very good. I love the keep your hands to yourself :)

Awesome camera!!!

Colette S said...

Finally finished the list!!

Hope you had a lovely birthday!

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Great camera my friend... I LOVE the video it takes, better than mine - I think, I haven't taken that much video with mine. I usually use the Flip.
The guys sound great, especially that one named Dave... TeeHee... he's a special one, I think you should keep him.
You know I wish only the best for you on your birthday and for every day. HUGGLES!

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