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1943 My Gram, My Dad behind her and all his brothers, but one. |
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My Dad 1940 - 1st job (cab driver) |

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My Dad and his Mom - 1943 (He was in the Army - home on a furlough) |
Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Don't forget to sign up so we can all visit and comment on each others pics/blogs! IT'S GREAT FUN!
Found some old pictures of my Dad and his family I thought I'd share.
Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun over at Java's place, and get to know your fellow bloggers at Never Growing Old!!
GRAB JAVA'S BUTTON! She's such a sweetie! Thanks Java for hosting a fun meme!
Please join in the fun over at Java's place, and get to know your fellow bloggers at Never Growing Old!!
GRAB JAVA'S BUTTON! She's such a sweetie! Thanks Java for hosting a fun meme!
My question is: When do you plant your vegetable garden, AND my granddaughter and I planted an Oak tree (she's says it's Oak - not sure) that she got for Earth Day. We planted it on Easter. It looks like a twig, but it does have a bud at the top. Is there anything special you're supposed to do for it other than let it grow?
I was told to plant after mother's day, but I'M STILL WEARING MY WINTER COAT!!! I know nothing about tree planting. It's on my front porch in a big planter. We're going to replant it when it gets bigger.
Wasn't that fun? ~hehe~ Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me. Oh! Don't forget about "MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME". This Monday is the theme is "Songs about the weather or any color". Whoa, that's a challenge! As I said before every other week is a freebie week, the other weeks we have a theme. Hope you ALL can make it. It's tons of fun & don't forget bring a friend! Hell, bring lots of friends. We broke our record last we and hit 40 music lovers. THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED. HUGS TO ALL. Let's do it again and try for "50" woo hoo or HIGHER!!!! So, come on it's time to ROCK & ROLL! Have a great weekend! ROCK ON!