About me.
- Xmas Dolly
- Wife, Mom, NaNee, & best friend to my 4 grown children, 11 beautiful grandchildren & 3 great grandchild and 1 Great-great Grandchild Daniella & of course my wonderful husband & best friend. I love photos & especially old ones, but the photos I take now will one day be ones of the past so everyone is special to me just as the people in them! Life is too short to let it fly by so I grab all the wonderful moments & try to share them all with my family & friends! I'm extremely happy with the pics of my soulmate & I want to ta share them with the world. The best photos that I share are with music being my husband is a professional musician & I share that also with everyone through my blog. I’m a SAHM/wife & I work out of my home as a blogger. My hobbies are crocheting, gardening, playing piano, reading & spending quality time with my hubby, grandbabies & children. I spend a lot of my time trying to make my blog thrive to share with my friends and people/friends all over the world! To see more about me check under the contact me page. and my email is xmasdolly at comcast dot net!
- Have a great day!