Thursday, June 9, 2011

Aloha Friday and Friday Follow & Photo Flashback

Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Don't forget to sign up so we can all visit and comment on each others pics/blogs! IT'S GREAT FUN! 

This is my mom's sister.  My Aunt Tillie.  The first one I'm going to guess, and say it was taken in the late 30's, and the other was probably taken in the 1970's.  She passed in the 70's too of Cancer.  She was truly one amazing lately, and the best cook ever.  Miss her.

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun over at Java's place, and get to know your fellow bloggers at Never Growing Old!!
GRAB JAVA'S BUTTON!  She's such a sweetie!  Thanks Java for hosting a fun meme!


"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers!
My question is: Can you remember what you wanted to be when you grew up, and did you make it?  Can you remember how many times you changed your mind?

Can't remember how many times I changed my mind, but I know it was quite a few.  I wanted to be in show bizz for the longest time.  More specifically a dancer.  Well, I did make it for a little while, but then I decided to be a Mommy, and that trade fell apart, and I got more practical, and became a legal secretary that eventually turned into a legal assistant.
Wasn't that fun?  ~hehe~  Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me.   Oh!  Don't forget about "MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME".    June 13th MY BIRTHDAY - Songs for ME! What DO YOU think I'd like to hear! WOO HOO & it's my 2 yr. Blogversary TOO! WOO HOO! Hope you  ALL can make it. It's tons of fun & don't forget bring a friend!  Hell, bring lots of friends.  HUGS TO ALL.  Have a great weekend!  ROCK ON!

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Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

I knew I wanted to go to college but I wasn't sure for what. I did make it though. I changed my mind several times. I'm still working on it. How depressing. lol

Introducing Mr. Cool said...

Your Auntie is a very lovely woman. Have a great weekend. Oh, and I guess like all little boys I wanted to be a fireman, but then changed my mind to being in show business and making lots of money doing what my talent lead me too.

Colette S said...

Thanks for sharing your beautiful aunt with us.

I wanted to be a Child care social worker. I still want to be that or a psychologist.

I have not reached either as yet.

And I've flip flopped on some :)


Anonymous said...

I've wanted to be so many things and I've done a little of it.

Just too many things. I'm fickle I guess. LOL

CMash said...

Let's see...I wanted to be a teacher, a doctor's secretary, probably more but can't remember that far back. Did I become those? Kind of. Became an RN and after hurting my back did work in a doctor's office for a while as an RN.
Have a nice weekend!! Stay cool!!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to be too many different things, I can't even remember!

Debbie said...

I never knew what I wanted to do and I guess I succeeded - I still don't!

Catherine L. said...

I wanted to be a social worker or teacher. I became a Preschool teacher.

MMAR said...

I wanted to work with kids and I did for a long time! Now I am a SAHM!

Gigi Ann said...

Love your auntie's hat, she was a beauty.

When I was little I wanted to be a teacher, an air line stewardess, and a hair dresser. I became a wife, mother to five children. I had two daughters who became the hair dressers in the family.

Stacy Uncorked said...

Your aunt was adorable! :)

For the longest time growing up, I wanted to be a nurse - then I realized my stomach wouldn't handle the blood and gore, so I changed my mind. I never did end up doing what I had changed my mind to, but am quite happy where my life is now. ;)

Aloha: The Eyes Have It

Becca said...

I wanted to be a teacher. I work in a school office and privately tutor. Close!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

I always wanted to be a teacher and did that after a brief stint in pharmacy school. After my little guy was born, I went on hiatus from teaching. Right now I am starting a local business since teaching jobs are impossible to come by with all of the budget cuts.

I am Harriet said...

I think I wanted to be every thing at one time or another.

Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

I wanted to be a teacher, but became a stay at home mom instead.
Here's Mine

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Love looking at old photos and it was fun to see both of your Aunt from the 30's and then in the 70's. She looks like she was be fun to be around.

Blessings & Aloha!

W.C.Camp said...

Tillie looked like a lot of fun. As a good cook too - who can beat that?

I guess realistically I just wanted to be a business guy. I asked my parents for golf lessons at 13 because I NEEDED it for business. My first 'career' job was for a Japanese company where I wore a suit, tie, and carried a briefcase to work. Guess what though - we played golf every weekend and eventually I got them to let my wife play too. Thanks for the memories! W.C.C.

Adaptable Kay said...

Oh man...I remember wanting to do so many things when I was younger.

I actually went through a phase where I wanted to be a police woman, so I went around writing fake tickets to people. LOL

I wanted to be an actress when I was in middle school; I even asked for a head shot for my birthday.

Very imaginative child, huh?!

Happy Friday :)

kailani said...

When I was younger I wanted to be a teacher. When I got older I wanted to be a computer programer. I ended up getting my Masters in Human Resources but became a flight attendant instead. :-)

Unknown said...

Hiya hun! Thanks so much for stopping by and following my blog. I am already following you and will make it a point to stop by and say *hello* more often!


Lucy said...

Let's see when I was little, show business was a dream but by High School I was interested in two areas, Law School and teaching. I went with Teaching. I only taught for a short time. I was pretty much a stay at home mom. I did part time jobs that totally revolved around my family and at times I didn't work at all.

Jen at A Heart Full of Love said...

I love the vintage picture of your aunt. How wonderful that you have that!

I always wanted to be a lawyer when I was little. Thinking back on it now, maybe it was because I loved to argue :) Somewhere along the line, I changed my mind. I am a dietitian.

Thanks for the follow. I am now following you back. Have a good weekend!

Lorie Shewbridge said...

I love all your old photos. Your aunt's hat is lovely and she has the greatest smile.
I remember always wanting to be a doctor, but my parents wouldn't send me to college. Then when I was in my early 30's my hubby encouraged me to go to school for nursing (I knew I was way too old to be a doctor), he has always been so wonderful about it.
Too bad I couldn't finish, but I'm glad I'm a good mom and my kids love me. =)

More Than Words said...

She looks so beautiful and full of life!!

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