Thursday, June 16, 2011

Aloha Friday and Friday Follow & Photo Flashback

Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Don't forget to sign up so we can all visit and comment on each others pics/blogs! IT'S GREAT FUN! 

Two of my granddaughters!  They look like a couple of dolls on a toy store shelf don't they?

Bri who is now 10 yrs. old
Tot who is now 12 yrs. old

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun over at Java's place, and get to know your fellow bloggers at Never Growing Old!!
GRAB JAVA'S BUTTON!  She's such a sweetie!  Thanks Java for hosting a fun meme!


"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers! 

My question is:  So where are we going on vacation this year?

Hubby has decided to take the last week of June off and stay home, and veg and maybe catch up with a few chores around the house!  He hasn't done that in a long time.  Hmmm I don't think he's ever done that.  I mean the staying home & vegging.  Hmmmm  Well, he does have one more week for vacation, and we'll go somewhere, but we haven't decided yet where.
Wasn't that fun?  ~hehe~  Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me.   Oh!  Don't forget"MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME".   This week's theme is a Freebie, and in honor of my Blogaversary another new change!  We now have a button for our "SPOTLIGHT DANCERS"!  It's so cool!  Thanks again to everyone who played along last week for my birthday!  You all played great songs for me!  Love y'all!!  WOO HOO & I still have more give-aways to post in celebration of my 2 yr. Blogversary.  My wonderful sponsors were really good to me!  WOO HOO! Hope you  ALL can make it. It's tons of fun & don't forget bring a friend!  Hell, bring all your friends.  HUGS TO ALL.  Have a great weekend!  ROCK ON!


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Tammy said...

We are going to Lake Chelan. It is in Eastern Washington where you are guaranteed more sun and warmer weather.

Adaptable Kay said...

You know what-Bri looks the same now as she did as a baby! You can totally tell it's her in that picture :)

Vacations...What does that word mean!? It is foreign to me. LOL

Happy Friday CM!

More Than Words said...

Aww! They are precious!!!! Gosh..I know how time flies! It seems like yesterday that my teens were little!!

And for vacation...I'm not sure yet!!!

Colette S said...

Staying home on vegging can be just what the body needs.

We have no plans to go anywhere. Just more work to pay the bills.

And those grandbabies and just adorable!


Catherine L. said...

We have a few road trips planned to Vegas and Northern California. We still haven't decided on our main vacation.

Jen at A Heart Full of Love said...

No vacation for us this year as my husband just switched jobs :(
We will take a couple of long weekends though.

Stef H said...

chores around the house??? i'm hold him to it - lol.

sounds like you're feeling great - woooooooo hooooooo! miss you too. we need to do lunch soon. i know, i'll pick a date once hubby is home and settled.

hugs :)

CMash said...

Went on vacation in May so don't think we are going away. Probably just sitting by our pool.

Anonymous said...

My family has a vacation home in San Diego, which is about 3 hours from where I live, so we'll be going there again this year...we've been going for the past 20 years!

Stacy Uncorked said...

Your granddaughters are so CUTE!! :)

We're planning on driving out to Iowa at the end of next week and staying until after the 4th of July. My parents are driving out there from Seattle, so it'll be like a mini family reunion! ;) Although some of the awesome unbloggable might make us delay our vacation by a week, or my sister and her hubby and my parents may end up driving out here so we'll spend our vacation showing them all the tourist areas here in yet to be determined! :)

Pack Rat Mode: Aloha Stalk Hop Friday

Amy Clary said...

We're going to Mackinaw City and Mackinac Island. Also to Indiana for a family reunion. :)

Anonymous said...

Your granddaughters are so cute!!
As of right now, the only place we plan on going is to St. Augustine.
Here's my Aloha

MMAR said...

We go on several trips a year! To the beach, to the Lakes, Leakey, and hopefully to California!

I am Harriet said...

I'm going to Blogher. Hope that counts :)

Have a great day!

W.C.Camp said...

Believe me I am on board for Aloha Friday but why can't we throw in a few more of those Aloha's during the rest of the week too? No sense working when there is all that relaxation that needs to get done! W.C.C.

Pamela M. Kramer - A Renaissance Woman said...

Maybe Dallas for Lego Land or San Antonio to visit family.

~ Noelle said...

doing "staycations" at our pool

Lisa Weidknecht said...

40+ hobbling, oh hopping, over to follow you! Come follow me?

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Cutie pa-tooties! I can't wait to be able to post some grandbaby photos of our future grandbabies... :o)

Oh...we're excited to take a short vacation trip to visit our oldest and her hubby in their new home...wish that we lived closer to all our kiddoes!

Blessings & Aloha!
...stopping by from FPF :o) I'd love if you are able to stop by if you have a chance.

kailani said...

I feel Kaila is still too young to take on a long plane ride. Instead we're going to Maui at the end of the month and staying at a Waikiki hotel over the 4th of July weekend. :-)

An Island Life

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Love the photos of your girls, SO cute. I really like the way Bri's hair is, it's like what we do to the Yorkies... TeeHee

As for summer vacation, we don't have any plans to go anywhere special this summer. We are usually people's destination since we are so close to Disney World.

Lady Estrogen said...

Aweee - lovely.
Also - CONGRATS on your 2 year anniversary. Yay!!

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