Happy Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post a picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed! I blog-hop all day long looking at great pics & blogs, finding new friends! How about you? I sign up at my buddies below & then from then on WHO KNOWS!
Join me in linking up your photograph(s) for the week with
This is my buddy Debbie! We've been friends over 30 yrs. We met each other she was a teenie bopper & I in my early twenties. She married my x-husband's best friend who is my son's godfather, and then they got divorced & she moved away. There was big time problems everywhere right after that plus I got divorced too & she moved one way and I another and we lost touch. It's been about 25 yrs. since we seen each other, and low and behold her son PJ grew up & now an Elvis Presley imitator and friends with my cousin's deceased husband & that's where I seen him was at the wake & here we are again IT'S PARTY TIME! WOO HOO! TOO MUCH FUN! LUV HER TOO PIECES! | |
Oooops just one second! |
1... 2................ 3! HA HA ---- GOT HER!!!! LOL SHE'S MY BUD! I MISSED HER LOTS! SHE'S GOOD PEOPLE! |
This her son Pete Tidd & we call him PJ. When he was about four or five he was hit by a car and drug three or four blocks. As you can see he's fine now, but he does have some bad scars. Deb & I met right after that. He's a cutie pie!

Happy Wordless Wednesday, dear friends!
It’s time to share your favorite family-friendly photos – with or without words – at the friendliest party in town! To participate, please link directly to your Wordless Wednesday post – leave a comment – then visit your fellow photography buffs! You’ll make some wonderful friends and see some fabulous photographers along the way! Just click on the icon above.
One flower snuck in on my property. Normally you wouldn't see this on my property because my son and I are both allergic to bees big time! Sooooooo some bird, must have pooped some seeds LOL Anybody know what kind it is???? Have a great day! Don't forget to follow me in Linky follow! THANKS BUNCHES! |
Love great friends like that!
There's nothing like a long time friend. Thanks for your visit to Catch My Words.
I used to enter the Music Mondays each week, but I couldn't get the linky to work on my site, so they'd delete me. Plus, it was a little frustrating to visit many sites and have one or two people visit back, so I quit participating.
It's good to have great friends :-)
Have a great WW!, thanks for stopping by and linking up ;-)
Old friends are hard to come by and really they never stop being your friends which are the best friends of all. =D
Check out, Thank-you McGuffy Ann! I've got something special for you inside today's post. ^.^
Haaa! Bestie photos are so much fun. Especially when you can post them :D
Its always great hanging out with old friends!
friends are the best
Aw, yay! I'm so glad you and your buddy were able to be reunited :) You both look like you'd be the life of the party!
So glad you found each other again. And I think your flower is a lily or iris. Either one, will multiply and come up every year.
How terrific to reconnect with an old friend. You both look adorable in those photos.
Glad you had such fun with her.
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