
It's summer & we're having fun in the sun! Your lips can become dry and parched & make the corners of your mouth crack. I hate that. Carmex has SPF 15 to protect our lips. So, I use Carmex and why because of all the different flavors, and now they have a new flavor out, Pomegranate. Sweet, yet a bit tart! Yeah, kind of like sweet tarts the candy. hahaha Remember those?
Carmex has sent me a collection of six Carmex Sticks with SPF 15, and a bright yellow like the sun Carmex Beach Bag, which I've already used at our Toys for Tots picnic, and man it held my Carmex beach blanket, sun lotion, hand towel, and wash cloth, tissue, brush & comb, and hubby's guitar tuner, but most importantly my new Carmex sticks. My son loves the lime stick. My daughter liked the Cherry and I loved the new one Pomegranate flavor. These sticks are so very moisturizing and has SPF 15 Water Resistant Sunscreen. My poor daughter is susceptible to cold sores, but with Carmex on the job pretty smiles all around. I use to use another black & white brand... uh hemmmm, but I switched to Carmex. Why you ask? Because of the flavors, ingredients? Oh hell yeah all of the above, but the real reason, you don't fix something that's not broke. It works! The new one sweet, but made my lips feel cool with a zing! So come join me, and pucker up! Don't let the heat make your lips all dry & icky. I know everyone is different so try it... you'll like it! I do and so does hubby & if hubby likes it you know it's good because he's such a fuss butt! When I told him what flavor this new one was I put some on and said, "KISS ME YOU FOOL"! LOL He did! He likes~! End of story!
So come on we have the best month of summer coming up in just a few days. Plus don't forget Labor Day weekend. Picnics, parties, a day at the beach, parks, fireworks and
Carmex! What more can we ask for? hehehe Oh, and don't forget the kiddies! My granddaughters love the different flavors especially the cherry is a big hit with them. NaNee can we have some all the time? I think they like it because it's like makeup. You know, lipstick? Who cares as long as they use it and keep their lips moist. No chapped lips in this family I'll tell ya! Well, the folks at Carmex agree, and they're going to give one of my readers the same kit they sent me. WOO HOO! SHARE THE WEALTH WITH BUDDIES!