Sunday, April 29, 2012


Aunt Mitzi

Aunt Mitzi was just taken to the hospital and diagnosed with Pneumonia and congestive heart failure.  She's holding on, so please please please pray for her.  She promised me!  She said, "I'm not ready to throw in the towel"!  I said good then we can go together, and I'm not ready to go any time soon.  So please many prayers for my Aunt.  My second Mom!  I love her so much!  Hang in their.  You'll be fine Aunt Mitz we're all pulling for ya.  I love you with all my heart.  I'm sending my Guardian Angel to watch over you so you're not alone.  You'll be home in no time at all.
UPDATE:  Aunt Mitzi is holding on and they are giving her anti-biotics and she just had some soup, but she's not out of danger yet.  I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your prayers. 

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Monday's Music Moves Me


 XmasDolly,  Lorie-The Shewbridges of Central, Florida,   CALLIE - JAmericanSpice, Stacy - Stacy Uncorked, AND OUR CATHY - Cathy Kennedy who has become a  Co-Conductor! WELCOME ABOARD!  For the upcoming month Denise from DMT will be our honorary co-conductor. Let's welcome her aboard too. WOO HOO! EVERYONE WANTS TO PLAY SO LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED -WE'RE EAGER TO FOLLOW U as your train arrives.  

This week's theme is A "FREEBIE"!  So show me whatcha got!  ***FLASH*** due to busy schedules comments maybe be late, BUT WE WILL ALWAYS LEAVE A COMMENT AT YOUR MMMM!!!  I PROMISE!  Now that summer is here we totally understand if you'd like to sign in late too, even the next day because we do check back for stragglers. SO ROCK ME BABY and YOU KNOW HOW I'M ALWAYS SAYING ROCK ME BABY! Here's where I get it from:
Introducing B.B. King, Eric Clapton, Buddy Guy and Jimmy Vaughn


1.  You Tube, and lock & load! 
2.  Grab "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button.
3.  SIGN LINKY, Follow us, & leave us a Rockin' comment from your BAD selves!
Finally,Boogie down to your Fellow Rockin' Bloggers on our Linky or bring some back with you to join us! Drag them back kickin' and hollarin' who cares, just bring them all back picks two people to showcase in our 4M SPOTLIGHT DANCE & I will e-mail & let you know.   

RaveRave Girl

    1.  #26 Dr. Pepper Diva - no confirmation
    2.  #13 Mom on Caffeine 
This the second time in a roll.  I will no longer leave messages on blogs or "Contact Me" on blogs that you have been chosen.  If I find your e-mail address great if not I shall run again.   Sorry!
  Please put your e-mail address where it can be found thanks a bunch
Grab your button for "Spotlight Dancers"  & show it off !

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Our friend Dollycas will not be with us for a little while due to backlog (we're all gonna miss you my friend - so hurry back), but she sent this too cool video for us to watch.  Check this out you're gonna love it:

That was great those kids new every word right down to the youngest child. LOL

Now my Freebie today I love movies, and many of them I love them by their theme.  I listen to the song and think of the movie, which is totally cool.  So let's play name that movie!

Okay that was too easy.  How about this one!

So how did you do?  Do you remember this one?

Visit Run DMT, and JadeLouise Designs w/linky  for more Music Monday fun.
Hope you had fun, and here's hopes to see you next time, and bring a friend!
Anyone would like to subscribe to my channel on You Tube it's 
Answers:  Men in Black, Armageddon, and the Fifth Element
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Brave - Trailer "Families Legend"

Watch the final trailer for Brave now on iTunes Movie Trailers. Merida's adventure begins in less than 2 months.  I am so taking my girls to go see this if they're not on vacation that is.  If not maybe I'll sneak over to our IMAX theater in the afternoon & see it by myself. ~snicker~  It's so neat to have an IMAX so close to my house.  Anybody wanna go with me?  ~hehe~  I'm waitin' on ya!  I've been following this movie inserts since it came out.  This new trailer is totally cool.   It's really interesting how a young girl stands up for what she believes in and her independence, but that's my intake on it so far. 

And now if you go to Facebook there is now free downloads for example you can download this new Brave cover image for your Facebook Timeline.  While you're there would you please click on the LIKE button.  You know you do!  ~hehe~  Find more in the Discover Brave application:

BRAVE arrives in theaters everywhere on June 22nd!

Saturday, April 28, 2012


SOOC Saturday

I'm linking up with Amy @ Marvelous Mommy for SOOC Saturday. (straight out of editing) I don't remember if I ever tried this, but I had the button in my side-bar, so I'm sure it's there to remind me! Anyway, whether you are a professional photographer, an amateur photographer, or just someone who likes taking pictures (that part is me), our host encourages us to link up!  So here I am trying it out another time. This is a super simple weekend meme that doesn’t take up much time!  Sooooooo, going to give it a whirl, and see what happens.

My webcam went off - Guess who in her nightie! Dang, machines only work when they want too! LOL
Don't forget to follow me under LINKY FOLLOWERS to the right!  TANKS!!!!
Have a great weekend, check out my give-aways, PLEASE put a comment at my reviews just one of them would be fine THANKS BUNCHES & see you Monday for
Monday's Music Moves Me!  WOO HOO!

Thursday, April 26, 2012


Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Alicia is back!  Woo Hoo!  Welcome back Alicia. So everyone stop by Alicia's and hook up with her after you pull out your old pictures to share with us.
Guess who this little girl is - 1955

StacyMrs. Marine and the Tiny TroopsStalk Hop Friday

Stalk Hop Friday! 6 ways to link up! Just click on this button here, and follow their rules!Co-Hosted by my friends Mrs. Marine & my  Stacy!


"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d  like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers! 

My question is: So any plans for vacation yet?  Where ya goin or doin?
We've been talkinga about it and I think we're going back to Cedar Point in Sandusky, Ohio for four days Woo Hoo! We're going almost after my shots so I'll be movable like everybody else.  No rides, but at least I'll have fun.  Well maybe the ferris wheel.  hehehe  They have great shows there too. Especially the light show at night.

Wasn't that fun?  Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me.   Oh!  Don't forget"MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME".   This week's theme is  a "FREEBIE"!     Looking forward to seeing you all and  BRING ALL your friends.  HUGS  & Have a great weekend!

DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT MY GIVE-AWAYS WHILE YOU'RE THERE~THANKS A BUNCH!  Please leave comments at my reviews.  HAVE THE BEST ONE EVER!  Also, since GFC is going away please follow me in the new follower Linky Follower - thanks! (Even if you're already following.


Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Weight Be Gone!

Hi Everyone!  This is my Weight Be Gone Thursday for me.  If you'd like to follow me in my journey you are welcome.  If you'd like to share your own journey feel free to sign my linky below, and I'll come visit you or if you have a great diet recipe that would be appreciated very much. Thank you.  The reason I've started my journey is I had a rude awakening to the reality of life in that I'm not getting any younger, and if I still wanted to lead a fun, and  happy life I had to make some serious changes.

Last week I was 251 lbs. & as of this morning 250 lbs. no exercising until my shots just watching what I eat & getting movement when I can.  I'd like to give this little prayer to you all who diet along with me, and remember it in your heart for every situation.  Love you all & thanks for stopping by. 

 The Serenity Prayer

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.
Living one day at a time;
Enjoying one moment at a time;
Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;
Taking, as He did, this sinful world
as it is, not as I would have it;
Trusting that He will make all things right
if I surrender to His Will;
That I may be reasonably happy in this life
and supremely happy with Him
Forever in the next.
                                                                                   --Reinhold Niebuhr

A friend, Janet from Janet's Book Place put this up last week, and I just wanted to reiterate that if we all live by this wonderful golden rule how much better off we would be. As they say we are all our own worst enemy.  As you all know I have Spinal Stenosis and now I'm fighting with practicing physicians that I wish they would stop practicing on me.  I need me a FOR REAL DOCTOR, and as it were I'm still trying to find one, and still fighting this cellulitis that won't go away, but is getting worse.  My shots are not due until May 11th and I can get back to my exercising, but for now I've gone from my cane to my walker because the pain just won't leave me alone in the morning, and sometimes the whole day.  So until then I watch what I eat and my portion size, and I still lift my 3lb weights at the desk while I read your wonderful comments and Posts.

Here's a recipe from me:  XmasDolly's Baby Spinach Salad.
Baby Spinach, cherry tomatoes, one chopped boiled egg, and one chopped green onion. Two tbls. of lite Ranch dressing (or whatever you like).  A couple of wheat crackers & what a fantastic lunch or supper.  Oh well, I like it.  hehehe  Have a great day!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.


It's Funny T-Shirts Time GIVE-AWAY!

OKAY FUNNY T-SHIRTS!  I DON'T GET IT.  SO I ASKED LIKE ANY OTHER RED BLOODED AMERICAN WOMAN WOULD!  My friend at Funny T-Shirts was more than eager to tell me the answer (MEN gotta love em').  Okay, gals are you ready?  Here's the answer... wait for it... wait for it...   It's a bear with deer antlers. The combination of the two is a...wait for it...BEER! A bear deer. A deer bear. A BEER!  (silence... sounds of crickets...)....  

It has to be a man thing right ladies?  Well, that's what it is.  My husband loves it!  Oh that Moody humor is what I call it.  Hubby has a very dry sense of humor.  He loves 3 Stooges, Groucho Marx, and Frank Zappa!  Here's a few others you might like (you really should go take a look).  These make great gag gifts or for bachelor/bachelorette parties, birthdays etc.
Definitely a guy thing
Had to show you this - definitely got to get this for the health club! LOL

 Affordable Funny T-Shirts from!
May I add these aren't your Dollar Store Tee Shirts.  They're made of good material.  The shirt's tag actually states: 100% PRESHRUNK COTTON, Made in El Salvador.  Caring for this shirt is: Machine wash cold water inside out with like colors, only non-chlorine bleach when needed. and tumble dry on medium.  Medium/hot iron if preferred.  
Enter to win one now!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post a picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!  I blog-hop all day long looking at great pics & blogs, finding new friends! How about you?  I sign up at my buddies below & then from then on WHO KNOWS!  
Me at 19 yrs. old and first baby at 1 yr.

1.17.70 - I traced my baby's hand! New Mommy's are silly, but I love her so much!

Mom Spotted with linky
My friend Mrs. Claus over at "Like Christmas Every Day" is sporting a new meme (well, new to me), and it's called Black & White Wednesday & I'm going to try it!  Here's mine (above):
A black & white drawing my MIL drew.  It was of her sitting room in her home.

My  dear sweet MIL & my BFF may she rest in peace.  I miss you so much!

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