Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Alicia is back! Woo Hoo! Welcome back Alicia. So everyone stop by Alicia's and hook up with her after you pull out your old pictures to share with us. Now this week it's not exactly a picture of a person, but I thought I'd share with you something my mother left me. It's her War Rations book. The top picture is the front cover with her name, and info.
"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers!
My question is: M y question is what is on your mind this very moment?
Answer: I was just thinking how crazy this weather has been.
Wasn't that fun? Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me. Oh! Don't forget"MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME". This week's theme is "songs that make you laugh"! Hope you ALL can make it & BRING ALL your friends. HUGS & Have a great weekend!
DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT MY GIVE-AWAYS WHILE YOU'RE THERE~THANKS A BUNCH! Please leave comments at my reviews. HAVE THE BEST ONE EVER! Also, since GFC is going away please follow me in the new follower Linky Follower - thanks! (Even if you're already following.
Right now is thinking how I want to put the kids to bed, book and prayer or just prayer and kisses.
I love that you have that photo! That is so cool and no I can't find you ! :)
Happy Easter Doll and I hope you feel better.
Okay left hand side of the picture not the first roll, second roll of desks are empty, but the third roll I'm the fourth girl from the left at my desk brown hair, hands folded on my desk, next to a little blonde girl and her desk is pulled a little away from mine. Do ya see me? I was 8 yrs old.
I'm thinking about how tired I am and how I should just go to sleep. ;D
If I should go to sleep. It's now 12:34 am. :-)
On my mind...all I have to do and trying to create a mental list.
nope. can't find you in that group! sheesh! i've no clue where my pictures are and i'd be peeing my pants laughing so hard - LOL.
yeah, that's just what the doc said about vertigo... crystals in the ear and he did give me the exercise.
all else is good here. getting BAPTIZED tomorrow - yay!
hugs :)
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