Thursday, April 28, 2011

Aloha Friday and Friday Follow & Photo Flashback

1943 My Gram, My Dad behind her and all his brothers, but one.
My Dad 1940 - 1st job (cab driver)

My Dad and his Mom - 1943 (He was in the Army - home on a furlough) 

Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Don't forget to sign up so we can all visit and comment on each others pics/blogs! IT'S GREAT FUN!  

Found some old  pictures of my Dad and his family I thought I'd share.
Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun over at Java's place, and get to know your fellow bloggers at Never Growing Old!!
GRAB JAVA'S BUTTON!  She's such a sweetie!  Thanks Java for hosting a fun meme!

"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers!
My question is:  When do you plant your vegetable garden, AND my granddaughter and I planted an Oak tree (she's says it's Oak - not sure) that she got for Earth Day.  We planted it on Easter.  It looks like a twig, but it does have a bud at the top.  Is there anything special you're supposed to do for it other than let it grow? 

I was told to plant after mother's day, but I'M STILL WEARING MY WINTER COAT!!!  I know nothing about tree planting. It's on my front porch in a big planter.  We're going to replant it when it gets bigger.

Wasn't that fun?  ~hehe~  Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me.   Oh!  Don't forget about "MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME".    This Monday  is the theme is "Songs about the weather or any color".  Whoa, that's a challenge!  As I said before every other week is a freebie week, the other weeks we have a theme.  Hope you  ALL can make it. It's tons of fun & don't forget bring a friend!  Hell, bring lots of friends.  We broke our record last we and hit 40 music lovers.  THANK YOU TO ALL WHO PARTICIPATED.  HUGS TO ALL.  Let's do it again and try for "50"  woo hoo or HIGHER!!!!   So, come on it's time to ROCK & ROLL!   Have a great weekend!  ROCK ON!

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

SAURKRAUT AND ME "Recipe Swap Meet"

"Oh no, what am I going to make tonight"?   Why not pick one of our Recipes!  Your grandmother's secret recipe has a coming out party and it's tonight!   

Come join our "RECIPE SWAP MEET"   I'll lend you mine if you'll lend me yours.  ~hehe~  If you take one, share one!  All you have to do is sign our linky, grab our button, and show off your Recipe!  Below you will find your Chef-Hostesses XmasDolly (me), and Lori from  
The Shewbridges of Central Florida  (Lorie says Hi!).  Hi-ya! 
Lorie's recipe is at her blog.

We all have recipes from our family archives that we've collected over the years, and maybe some we have swapped from friends, magazines, cookbooks, & neighbors!

PerfectoSo, remember if you take one, sign our linky, grab our button, and we'll rush over to your place and grab yours!  Oh, and don't forget to follow and leave a comment, and we'll happily return the love!  I can hardly wait to see your family's old recipes and try them!  That's it!  Let's start cookin'!  We'll be here every Thursday.   So, if you're stumped on what to make tonight stop over by Dolly & Lorie's RECIPE SWAP MEET!  Our button is in my right side bar!  ARE WE BUDS OR WHAT?  HERE'S MINE!  ENJOY!

MiMi is my son-in-law's Aunt and she makes the best sauerkraut, and I've been making mine the same way ever since I got her recipe.  When yours is done let me know, and I'll be right over.  I love this stuff!

MiMi’s Saurkraut

Brown bacon & onions
Drain sauerkraut cover with water pour sugar in there simmer (sugar to taste)
A little Flour to bacon grease and onion
Polish sausage – boil  only

Then put on low in a crock pot all day.

Also, I found this video that you might like too.  His recipe is similar.  

So now all you have to do is sign our linky to lead us and/or our guests to you to swap a recipe.  Check them all out, and we'll check yours.  If you don't want to write it all down & know of one on line just post a link to it on your blog or leave it in a comment if you prefer!  Enjoy and Bona Petite!!!  Thanks for cooking/sharing along with us!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
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Do you remember when your little guy or gal came up to you, and said, "Mommy, didn't you know there was NO Easter Bunny or Tooth Fairies?"  Well, I remember and it almost broke my heart.  Well, now I tell my grandbabies I'm a personal friend of all of them including Santa, and now I have PROOF!
Wake up Santa!
WHAT?!!!  WHAT?!!!  YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME?  WOULD I LIE TO YOU?  YOU GUYS ARE MY BUDS!  COME ON NOW!  I'll even introduce you to my sources how's that?  Check it out!  The old dude past out at my house just the other day! 

Isn't that the coolest thing you ever saw?  I was so excited when I first saw this.  My grandson asleep with the Tooth Fairy waving her wand.  Can you get much cooler than that?  Finally!  PROOF to show my babies that I do know Santa, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy and more!  Whatcha think?  Santa, Tooth Fairy and more comes to life in the photo you upload! ... giving you picture/video PROOF that they do exist, and  were in your home.

Just create and purchase your custom Santa or whoever photo and they will automatically send you 5 videos to preview. If you like them, select the 'Upgrade My Videos' option and they'll remove the watermark for just $4.99. You'll also get a personal link to display your videos on their Stand-Alone website, (a perfect page to bookmark and share with children.
How would five (5) of you like to win your very own Photo Proof!

  • Go over to ( to choose your favorite Tooth Fairy or Easter Bunny or whoever you like to pose with, then come back and tell me, which one you like best.  (Mandatory)
  • Random winners will be selected by, and notified via email (as long as I can find it - if not another winner will be selected.  Make sure it's in your profile or you leave it here in an entry),
  • The winner will then have 48 hrs. to claim their prize.
To earn extra entries, you may do one or all of the following.  You must leave a separate comment for each entry.

- Follow my blog publicly (gfc) (+1)
- Subscribe by e-mail.  I will be checking (+2)
- Be sure to leave a valid email address otherwise I won't be able to contact you if you win.
- Like XmasDolly on Facebook 
-Leave a message on my fb re: this give-away
-Share this give-away on your FB 3x daily (+2 ea. time)
- Add my button to your site (+2)
- Blog about this giveaway (+5)
- Enter my other current giveaways or NightOwlMaMa's (let me know which one+3 ea.)
- Comment on a non-giveaway post (as many as you want let me know which one +2 ea.)
- Play "Monday's Music Moves Me" by signing linky, date, button and video you played.  (+5 ea.  every Monday you play
- Vote for me on the White Fence etc. (+2)
- Follow Santa Claus @catchacharacter on Twitter (+3)
- Follow @Xmasdolly on Twitter and tweet this giveaway (3x/daily - 1hr. a part) You may copy this one or use your own:  5 winners Caught the ToothFairy Proof Photo Ends 5.12

Give-away will end on 5/12/11 at 11:59 PM CST
Winners will be chosen by and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen. 
Open to US Residents only

*Disclaimer:  I received a product in order to write a honest review, and honest opinions were used.  Opinion is 100% my own and may vary from others, and no monetary compensation was given.   
I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using created by WebBizIdeas a Minneapolis SEO and Web Design firm. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising. Tomoson Product review & giveaway Disclosure.

Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post an awesome picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed OVER AT JAVA'S! So, I've found a new home for Wednesday, and I blog-hop all day long looking at great pics! How about you?  These are:  Easter at NaNee's!
My silly girls:  Tot & Bree
COUSINS - G & Nessa
Tot & Cranky Pants

Jen & my son Rocky



The Cakeblast with linky
Mom Spotted with linky

For more Wordless Wednesday visit 5 Minutes 4 MomHere and ThereGo Graham Go, and Hobo Mama’s WW Linky List!

eh - eh - eh!  DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL!  Stay tuned for our next show coming up!  Right after this word from our sponsor!   Featuring:

Our "Recipe Swap Meet" tomorrow!  Don't forget to grab our button and play along... and you could share your secrets with us.  We won't tell any body!  ~snicker-snicker~

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


  Oh my goodness, here puppy!!!

Okay, here's my favorite guy,  ol' Cranky Pants himself, my grandson, and you may remember him from last Halloween when I showed off his picture here.  Well, he decided he wanted to be a kitty, and now it's a puppy.  So here he is as a puppy now that I got his Baby Furry dog infant/toddler costume for last Halloween from Costume Super Center.    Yes, Halloween.  Don't blink because it'll be here before you know it.  He's such a silly billy!!!  HAHA BABY BOY!

     With the weather changing the costume will add that little bit extra warmth for our toddler.  It has floppy ears and big brown spots scattered across the curly white faux fur, and no zippers or buttons; just easy to handle Velcro.   The head piece had attached big floppy ears (removable).   There are so many costumes to pick from.  Dragon slayers to Divas, and Mermaids too.

     Actually at you can order on-line.  Got questions?  Call their 1-800 number.  Having a Costume (Halloween) Party?  My hubby is in a band, and is always looking for unique accessories to where or whatever for different holidays.  Whether it's for a costume party or the 4th of July.   They have adult costumes also.  Witches to Cowboys, and Lady GaGa  in her white boots to Vampires they've got it all.  
I mean check out these boots.    They came in the mail, and my daughter could not wait to try them on.  Granted they're costume boots, but hey when I was in high school I had the same thing in every color, and I loved them.  I'm talking H-O-T and together with a Sizzler (silk very short dress with matching panties), dress or Hot Pants (haha remember those?) this mama was saaaaaaaa mow- kin'  LOL  
Now, if you want your cutie pie to look as sweet as my cutie pie... If you want adult sexy costumes or a groove hot chick looking outfit or even scary costumes, in Large or Plus sizes too, wigs, hats, accessories, make-up; Costume Super Center has it all, and they even have a Clearance section too, but they're very reasonable to begin with.  Their Clearance section has toddler to adult.

  So, hurry on over to Costume Super Center.  You have plenty of time before Halloween, and there's a big sale going on, but it's over today, so take some time out, and browse, and save!

Uh-oh, I think my puppy wants to go for a walk!  You can make your own puppy, and take it for a walk in those boots because...  THOSE BOOTS WERE MADE FOR WALKIN' to the 
 *Disclaimer:  Product was provided by Costume Super or their participating PR in exchange for my opinion, which is 100% my own, and no monetary compensation was given.


Welcome to Monday Mingle!  Each week Jennifer from Eighty MPH Mom will ask three questions, and we answer via a written post, or a vlog post. If you have always wanted to try vlogging,  Monday Mingle vlog meme is a fun way to try vlogging. If you’d like to join in the fun, answer the 3 weekly questions in short vlog on your blog, or a written blog post, then link up at Eighty MPH Mom's place.  Then just visit the other participants, learn about them and have fun! It’s not too late you can link up anytime during the week.
How it works – NON-VLOGGERS:
Simply grab the Monday Mingle button from my sidebar, put it in your Monday Mingle blog post, answer the three questions for the week and link up your post on the linky below.  Please visit other participants and leave comments for them.  Easy, right?  hahaha  Well, today is my very 1ST Time, so no laughing at me and saying what a DORK! ~snicker-snicker~  Plus I'm still nursing that pain in my tooth, and I'm still on pain killers that makes me feel really light-headed.  lol  Okay here it is (better late then never - been trying for 3 wks. to try and do this), and have a very nice Monday Mingle.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Monday's Music Moves Me


I'm Head Conductor of this LOVE TRAIN.  Let me introduce everyone! XmasDolly  Head Conductor, me!  My Co-Conductors: Lorie of  The Shewbridges of Celebration, Florida,LARRY from Cakeblast, and CALLIE from JAmericanSpice (APPLAUSE). 

ALL ABOARD!  We're eager to greet you at the station, and we're  F-O-L-L-O-W-I-N-G U, as soon as your train arrives & leave your link, leave a comment & check our linky for your next stop!  Rock to the tunes AND FOLLOW!  Don't forget GET THOSE NEW NEIGHBORS!
 If for any reason you cannot do a video or don't want too, you can still dance with us and listen to everyone's choices. Only thing we ask is grab our button, follow us, and leave us a luvin' comment & FOLLOW - FOLLOW YOUR NEIGHBORS & drop a line!

*NOTICE! We're family friendly blogs & we don't want to censor anyone, but we ask your songs be fairly clean.  R rated videos must come with a "warning" Viewer needs to choose on their own to see it in case children are around!    Also,  we are NOT a leap for your advertising for give-aways!  PLEASE DO NOT use us as such. PLEASE do not make us delete you because we WILL!  We reserve the right to delete anyone that is not playing along or following the rules.  If you have questions, do not hesitate to ask.  We still love ya!    
So, are ya ready to rock & roll?  I SAID ARE YOU READY TO ROCK & ROLL?     CAN'T WAIT TO SEE WHAT YOU WANNA ROCK ME WITH TODAY!             Today's theme: "FREEBIE"! 
See below:      

So, here's the RULES:

First:  You Tube, and lock & load!   Upcoming themes are to your RIGHT.
Secondly:  Grab our "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button (on the right).
Third:  SIGN THE LINKY - Follow us (see above), grab our buttons & leave us a GOOD comment from your BAD selves!
Finally,Boogie on down to your Fellow Rockin' Bloggers on our Linky or bring some back with you to join us! Drag them back a kickin' and a hollarin' who cares, just bring them back!!! 
GET A TUNE, GRAB OUR  BUTTON, FOLLOW US, SIGN OUR LINKY, AND FIND FELLOW ROCKERS AND BRING THEM BACK! picks two people to showcase in our 4M SPOTLIGHT DANCEWOO HOO!  I will e-mail you, and let you know, so please leave your e-mail address if it's not available at your blog.

RaveRave Girl
Drum Roll
    1.  #24  Thom, USA, Hawaii
    2.  #16 Stacy Uncorked
This week our theme is a "Freebie"!   There will be our Spotlight couple as you see.  I tried to spice things up last week with bring a friend week, and there would have been only one person in our Spotlight, but I guess you people are loners.  So, sorry for the flop is all I can say.  I TRIED!  SO LET'S GET ON WITH THE SHOW!
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Being as yesterday was Easter I'd like to throw in one little ditty that's everyone's favorite;

Here's another favorite of mine!
My all time favorite "Meatloaf - By the Dashboard lights"
I'll end with everyone's all time favorite "The Eagles"

And from All of us at Monday's Music Moves Me to ALL of you!
May God Bless each & every one of you!
Visit Amanda, Run DMT, and Hairbows & Guitar Picks for more Music Monday fun.
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