Monday, May 7, 2012

Our new porch, patio and furniture Part II

And the Lord said, "LET THERE BE LIGHT"!
My Easter Lily
And of course St. Joseph & Baby Jesus to bless our home (still a little rock garden-I like rocks/seashells) next to my hostas and on the other end is the Easter Lily I got from my youngest son that I'm trying to grow.
My new hostas *3* this use to be my rock garden - those are seashells in the dirt  
This is my next project.  We're going to sand my swing down and paint if redwood, but that's another Post. hehehe
Oh no, porch, patio looks kinda bare you say???
SEE I TOLD YOU!  How do you like our new patio furniture and see the bench behind - it matches too!  They're roses! 
Mama enjoys her coffee with her "Baby".  Baby likes it too.  The brick is nice and cool for her.
Hubby spoils me!  Ain't it grand!!!! ~snicker-snicker~There will be a part III somewhere down the road when we stain our porch and finish my swing until then hope you like it.  Oh, and we're having a come as you are party to see our new addition to our home and you're all invited.  It'll be some time at the end of July or August I'll let you know when and of course the Designated Riders will be playing.  Hope you can make it!  Hugs to you all!


Ai Sakura said...

like the effects of the light! would love to have a swing over at our place too.. but it's too small haha. looking forward to the next part :)

Ai @ Sakura Haruka

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said...

Very nice. You guys did a great job on it.

Liz Mays said...

It looks really wonderful! It's going to be enjoyable to sit out there and people watch while sipping a cool beverage. :)

Anonymous said...

Love the new porch. I wish I had a front porch I could go sit on. I only have a back deck right now and I hate it.

feel free to visit my blog at Dreams Do Come True

Lothiriel said...

I love it!! I'd love to have a porch like that one day!

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

We have the same kind of furniture here. Great minds! hee hee
I love the lights and everything.
~Naila Moon

DeniseAngela said...

Lovely garden... I have angels & Fatima looking over mine.

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Beautiful! What a wonderful job you and Dave did. Great place for
coffee and a chat. Too bad we don't live closer, I would love to sit out there with you and have a cup of coffee or a glass of wine. =)

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