This is an amazing new type of puzzle, and you'll never find another like it to keep your family well entertained for hours. This puzzle has practically unlimited "solutions"! Ji Ga Zo Puzzle has 300 pieces that you arrange to create any face or maybe your pet!
Start out with any digital image and upload it using the Ji Ga Zo software. The software figures out the placement of each piece and builds a unique icon map. Then, it's up to you to arrange the pieces according to the icon map and watch your own special image come together! These 300 pieces are specially created with unique colors and shading that let them interlock to create almost any face image you upload. The possibilities are virtually endless and the "face-making" fun goes on and on!

- 300 puzzle pieces that you can use again and again to create pictures of just about anything!
- Puzzle comes with CD-ROM with software, instructions and assembly grid
- Requires personal computer
- Adult installation required
- Completed puzzle measures 9.98" by 13.27"
- Ages 8 and up
Mandatory: Tell us who's picture you would like to try out first & why?
For extra entries, and if you do every single one you can have an additional 5 entries (just let me know that you did)!
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Give-away will end on 3/11/11 at 11:59 PM CST
Winners will be chosen by and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen.
I would like to try my sons out because I think he would have alot of fun.
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3 giggly monsters- Alisha K
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Alisha K
i'd do my nephew's face for my sis cause she'd love it
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Well, you know me... I would do a photo of my puppies. TeeHee!
Thanks for the chance to win, I saw this on TV and thought it was really cool.
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Lorie-Bill Shewbridge
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My daughter has a bday coming up so I would love to do her photo for her party.
epblack at zoominternet dot net
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This is so fun! I would want to try out a picture of my puzzle loving middle child first, because he would absolutely love this!
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epblack at zoominternet dot net
I would do a picture of the kids. They are the most photogenic!
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I guess I would have my picture first cause someone else might be a little upset about the result
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epblack at zoominternet dot net
we would probably do the dog first. we are huge jigsaw puzzle fans and would LOVE to win this.
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I would like to try to create a picture of Steve Buscemi.
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