Thursday, June 7, 2012


Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Alicia is back!  Woo Hoo!  Welcome back Alicia. So everyone stop by Alicia's and hook up with her after you pull out your old pictures to share with us. 
This is my preemie.  6.20.80 3lbs. 2oz. but couldn't come home until she was 4lbs. 8oz so I'm going to say this was probably the beginning of July, 1980 of my Melissa Anne-Marie.  She is now married and has her own son & very healthy and lives in Missouri with her very nice hubby because that's where his company is, she's coming in to see me for my birthday next week so this is why I thought of this pic.



"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d  like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers! 

My question is:  Do you like flip flops or sandals better?

Me, I like flip flops better.  I think they're more comfortable for me.  I know the dollar or two pair doesn't last very long, but I was wearing a pair of sandals at Universal Studios/Island of Adventure on vacation and they were killing my feet with the sandals I was wearing so we went to one of these souvenir stores and bought a pair of flip flops for $14.00!  Holy Moly!  I cannot believe I paid so much money for flip flops, but they were comfortable and I was able to enjoy my day.  Right now I'm wearing those same shoes, and they're still as comfortable as ever!  Well, that was the best fourteen bucks I ever spent.  LOL

Wasn't that fun?  Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me.   Oh!  Don't forget"MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME".   This week's theme is a "FREEBIE"   Looking forward to seeing you all and  BRING ALL your friends.  HUGS  & Have a great weekend!

DON'T FORGET TO CHECK OUT MY GIVE-AWAYS WHILE YOU'RE THERE~THANKS A BUNCH!  Please leave comments at my reviews.  HAVE THE BEST ONE EVER!  Also, since GFC is going away please follow me in the new follower Linky Follower - thanks! (Even if you're already following.

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More Than Words said...

OK!! Linky up!! I totally forgot to even write out my post! :)

Anyway..have fun with your daughter!! What a blessing she can spend your birthday with you!!!

Best Business Brands said...

Five years ago this weekend, I was browsing these gorgeous fava beans and artichokes at a produce market in Ankara. Cool to look back ...

Rebecca said...

wow what a flashback and I'm not much on flip flops don't like thing between my toes

MMAR said...

I am a flipflop junkie :)

Stacy Uncorked said...

I alternate between the two - though I prefer sandals over flip-flops if I'm walking great distances because the thingy between my toes bugs me. :)

Love that flashback shot! Are you two going to celebrate each others birthdays together? :)

The Bee Incident

Smellyann said...

I wear Crocs flip-flops almost year-round. So comfy! :)

I am Harriet said...

I thought I was too old for flip flops until I found a pair of Ugg lined ones. They are amazing and I just got 2 more pairs :)

Enjoy your weekend!

Adaptable Kay said...

I'm a sandals kind of girl-I've tried flip flops, but they just kill my feet! My sister LIVES in them though and I must say, I have no idea how she does it. Lol

How nice you get to see your family for your birthday! I bet you're counting down the days ^.^

Colette S said...

Such a sweet photo memory. That's really nice that she is coming for mom's birthday. Y'all have a great time!

I prefer boots :)

Enjoy your weekend Doll.

CMash said...

Definitely flip flops. But, I hate the noise when I am walking and it's really quiet where I am headed. Have a great weekend!!

Cakeblast said...

That is an adorable pic..and although I'm sure I'll be saying it again, hope your birthday rocks!

btw - Thanks for the mention over at "More Than Words."

Unknown said...

I could live in flip-flops! But, I like a nice pair of sandals, too.

Unknown said...

What a cute picture! She was so tiny!!

Menopausal New Mom said...

I'm all about the heels so it's sandals for me. The higher the better :)

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