Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Iris and the Dragonflies by Rosemary Daniels Review


At the request of the author, Rosemary Danielis, I received said copy of the above story downloaded to my computer, and it was also sent to me at no charge for my honest opinion.

Iris, a feisty, solitary, eleven-year-old girl prefers being down by the creek near her house more than anywhere else in the world. School is nothing but a joyless prison and uninterested in her classmates she spends each day gazing out the window, waiting for the dismissal bell to ring. Her only friends are the dragonflies who flit through the shoulder high bulrushes growing along the creek's banks. Iris discovers the dragonflies are more than they appear to be and that she is the key to resolving an age-old battle between light and dark, good and evil. She has the ability to unleash the power of the Earth to restore the balance that has been lost. This however is not what the Solaris have in mind. They are the world's most powerful Evil and Iris is the only one who can stop them! Will Iris and her friends be able to win this battle? Iris and the Dragonflies is empowering, and a must read for all girls.


     I was amazed when I took this book to review because I am not an avid reader to say the least.  Therefore, I felt not being one, this book should and will get my very honest opinion as well as I can put it.  

In reading the brief synopsis of this book it was about all the things that I knew would catch my interest, and keep me awake long enough to finish it because normally reading puts me to sleep, but not this time.   No, no, no, by no means.  I have been interested in fairy tales and mythology all my life, but this book was different.   This book was smack in the middle of a little girl who I related too when I was growing up.  From the very beginning it caught my interest & it was difficult to walk away.  Iris to me was a very strong individual really, but yet timid and lived in her own little world until she found another world that called to her.  Little Dragon Flies that she realized she could speak to & understand that opened a whole new world for her & that she was the key.   I started to read about Iris, a child who is a bit of a loner, and many a times went off into her own world until she was amazed by the one that drew her in, and the adventure she was about to begin.  Being the same as a child so I started relating from the very beginning.  Then she had a teacher who I believed recognized her quality within, and from the beginning understood her need for understanding especially when her first friend (a dragonfly met it's fate due to a bully), and the teacher gave it back to Iris to do what she must.

As I read this story it became more of a place that I could go to, and forget about reality, and hide within the realm of the author's fantasy.  The author had a way to pull you in with emotional thoughts, and heartwarming scenes, but yet keep you on the edge of your chair with her mythical characters.   At times they were a bit complex, but as you read on you were back in a comfort zone smiling and giggling at the author's whimsical way of explaining a scene, but yet pictorial and totally spell binding.

If I may insert here I would like to apologize to the author for taking so long to do this review, and it was not because of lack of interest, but lack of time due to circumstances beyond my control.  I would also like to thank this author for opening a whole new world to me.  I have a few medical problems that cause pain, but when I sat to read this book I felt like Alice in Wonderland falling & falling into the world with Iris and her friends, and all the characters that kept her looking and searching for the truth, and a solution.  I walked where Iris walked and saw what she saw, and felt warmth of friendship when she felt the warmth, but yet shivered at the terror.   I highly recommend this story to children of all ages, and adults with the a heart filled with curiosity of another world that could be.  Yes, this author has a very talented gift that she wants to share with all of us, and she shared with me a new life in the world of books to take me from the sorrow, and pain of reality.  Thank you my new friend.  May this world treat you with as much patience, and kindness as you have afforded us, and give you your just rewards for such a wonderful story.

Just on more thing if there is a Part II I hope you will consider me to review that one also, and too my readers if you have something you need to get off your mind, and want to relax in a different realm I highly recommend this book.  This book was very entertaining, and kept me spell bound at times almost in the sense that you could actually feel like you were on another plain watching the sky and waiting... waiting... waiting...

Let me reiterate the author has a way with words, and held my interest to where I hated to walk away, and because it was downloaded to my computer I could not take it with me to read elsewhere.  Many a time what may happen next, and what was waiting around the corner, and each time I was wrong, and expressly surprised, but yet delighted.  What a vivid imagination of a parallel universe, and experience of literature.  Many times I was in awe at such a turn in the story, and never would've thought it would lead to such an ending, but is it the end...
About the Author
Rosemary Danielis grew up in a part of Montreal, Quebec, Canada that no longer exists. The creek in the woods behind her small apartment is now an industrial development. Rosemary pursued her passion for literature and obtained a degree in English and Communications from McGill University. Rosemary has also written numerous online articles which can be found on her website: "Iris and the Dragonflies" was written for her children who rekindled her love for books and fantastical stories. Rosemary still lives in Montreal, the woods and the creek live on in her heart while the bugs and the flowers thrive in her beautiful garden.

Disclaimer: I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Wordless Wednesday & Black & White

Happy Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post a picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!  I blog-hop all day long looking at great pics & blogs, finding new friends! How about you?  I sign up at my buddies below & then from then on WHO KNOWS!  

My youngest daughter & Edward my grandson I just got this pic & thought I'd share!

Mom Spotted with linky
My friend Mrs. Claus over at "Like Christmas Every Day" is sporting a new meme (well, new to me), and it's called Black & White Wednesday & I'm going to try it!  Here's mine:

This is a black & white picture at my wedding. This is my step-brother Paulie and my granddaughter Tatyanna
This is June 24, 2000 We already eloped six months earlier, but I didn't want to take away from my mother-in-law seeing her baby boy getting married.  It was wonderful wedding, but it rained all day. :-(

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

Monday's Music Moves Me!


   XmasDolly,  Lorie of  The Shewbridges of Central, Florida,   CALLIE of  JAmericanSpice, & Stacy of Stacy Uncorked !  Our helpers are still here. Cathy Kennedy's Blog and Denise of Run DMTTHANKS GIRLS! U DUH BEST!  SO ALL ABOARD!  LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!  WE'RE EAGER TO FOLLOW YOU as your train arrives.  
Today's theme is Commercials you like old/new suggested by "I made it through the rain".
Don't forget you can make a suggestion for a theme too. Just leave it in comments!
First:  You Tube, and lock & load! 
Secondly:  Grab "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button.
Third:  SIGN LINKY , Follow us, grab our buttons & leave us a Rockin' comment from your BAD selves!
Finally,Boogie on down to your Fellow Rockin' Bloggers on our Linky or bring some back with you to join us! Drag them back kickin' and hollarin' who cares, just bring them all back!!! picks two people to showcase in our 4M SPOTLIGHT DANCE!  WOO HOO!  I will e-mail you if I can find your e-address, and let you know some how.   

RaveRave Girl

    1. #24 Katie Bookin it Up!
Grab your button for "Spotlight Dancers"  & show it off !

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Being as this week is to find new and old commercials that you think are stupid, cool, funny whatever! Let's start here!

Remember Speedy

and how about Mickey Mouse

How about a little Tony the Tiger

and the ever loving "California Grapes"

Jello Pudding

and last but not least
American Bandstand

Visit Run DMT, and Hairbows & Guitar Picks for more Music Monday fun.
Hope you had fun, and here's hopes to see y
ou next time, and bring a friend!

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Saturday, February 25, 2012


Dear Friends:

Hung-Shing Tsang, MD
I wanted to write this Post to you to let you know what has happened in  my life.  My own children doesn't even know, but my husband and doctors.  Yesterday I went to my Pain Control Managment doctor, Dr. Tsang who is a wonderful man, and a genius of a doctor.  He can almost walk on water (well I guess he could if it was ice ~snicker~).  He gave me my shots for the pain in  my back & leg yesterday called, "Transforaminal (TFSI).  I haven't had my last shot since November & I needed a walker in the morning to walk out the pain.  I would wake up 2/3 times a night because of the pain.  It's a very long story, but I'll give you bits & pieces as time goes on.  This man gave me my life back, and I'm so grateful to  him.  Excrutiating pain is no fun for you, and the ones around you.  My poor husband helped and put up with me ever since this began.  He use to say to me on want the woman I married back again.  Well, she's coming back slowly, but surely.  So, Dr. Tsang told me something yesterday that hit home (finally).  Lose weight or the pain will be this difficult the rest of your life, and will make matters worse.  So as you see it's not a question on just looking better.  It's a question of my LIFE!  Do I want to live happy or do I want to live shortly & miserable?  My friends I WANT TO LIVE!  I have too many things to do to die just yet.
Dr. Mary Gordon.  My Cardio.  My Friend.

Also, I have another doctor on  my side whom I trust and believe in, and who is also my friend.  Dr. Mary Gordon, cardiologist.  Dr. Mary N Gordon DO practices cardiology and internal medicine in Aurora, Illinois. Dr. Gordon graduated with a DO 13 years ago.

Medical School:

Chicago College Of Osteopathic Medicine Of Midwestern University, Midwestern University
Downers Grove, Illinois, United States and Graduated: 1999.  I have high blood pressure, irregular heartbeat and over-weight. Also I have Venous insufficiency.  My blood count is the border line to cellulits.  She also said last week it's not a question of you being overweight anymore it's a question to lose the weight to lose the pain, and conditions.  So here's what it all boils down too.  I will give you an update once a week on Saturday to update you.  Today I weigh 261 lbs.  So not happy!  Wish me luck.  I have so many things to do before I meet my maker like taking care of my husband and children and grand-children and I want to see each and every nine grand-child get married  or just be happy with themselves.  I don't think that's too much to ask.  Love to you all I have to wait a couple days before exercising, but the diet has already started.  Not frying with oil (using spray - for me), and I'm going back on  my no white diet, and cutting down on portions.  Well, off to the store to buy fish, fresh veggies, my 35 cal. slice of wheat bread which will only be used on weekend for toast & I love my toast, but it will be cut down to weekend.  This morning I made a 2 egg omelete with cut up fresh spinach, chopped a half an onion, one finely chopped 1/4 of tomato, Mrs. Dash on top & a little parsley  Oh and this brand fit & trim (you can get it at aldi's) they have light blend of Mexican Cheese (white & yellow) chopped. I sprinkled a tad on top.  mmmmmm it was really good oh and a tall glass of Skim milk (which I like).  Shortly I will have a tall glass of diet raspberry tea.  Maybe a banana for potassium. 

So have a good day my friends,  Wish me luck & any and all suggestions is welcome.  Thanks again for stopping by have a great weekend, and don't forget about our Monday's Music Moves Me.  This week is all about commercials.  Put your oldest, funniest, dumbest commercials you can fine.  LOL  Thanks for listening/reading. 

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Friday, February 24, 2012


SOOC Saturday

I'm linking up with Amy @ Marvelous Mommy for SOOC Saturday. (straight out of editing) I don't remember if I ever tried this, but I had the button in my side-bar, so I'm sure it's there to remind me! Anyway, whether you are a professional photographer, an amateur photographer, or just someone who likes taking pictures (that part is me), our host encourages us to link up!  So here I am trying it out another time. This is a super simple weekend meme that doesn’t take up much time!  Sooooooo, going to give it a whirl, and see what happens.
My hubby is with the red guitar.  Isn't Rock & Roll fun?
Just cleaning out my camera and had a few more pics in it so I thought I'd share.  This was taken at the Arcada theater in St. Charles, IL. where they played for a private party.  This camera is clean.  Now off to fill it up again at my niece's baby's first birthday party. 

Have a great weekend, check out my give-aways & see you Monday for
Monday's Music Moves Me!  WOO HOO!

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Thursday, February 23, 2012


Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Now I don't know where Alicia has been, but you all seem to like my old photos so I'm just gonna keep on, keepin' on until I run out, OKAY?
My Mom, my oldest daughter graduating grammar-school & the proud MaMa  I think it was 1982 Isn't she cute?

 Java's place is still Posting now & then, but she's taking a hiatus from the blog hops and the hustle and bustle of it.  So go over there & wish her well.  I did. Never Growing Old!!
She's such a sweetie!  Thanks Java for doing all that hosting before with such a fun meme!  You deserve a break!

StacyMrs. Marine and the Tiny TroopsStalk Hop Friday

Stalk Hop Friday! 6 ways to link up! Just click on this button here, and follow their rules!Co-Hosted by my friends Mrs. Marine & my  Stacy!


"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers! 

My question is: What would you do if you disagreed with your doctor?

Answer: Hubby says I'm not going to him anymore cuz he's a quack. My cardiologist took a blood test (long story) & found out  I had cellulits, but she cannot take care of me because that's not her area of expertise & go to my GP.  I go to him & he disagrees & says the solution was those tight nylons. I told  him I had them & they cut into my skin once they swell up so evidently they're not doing the trick if they're still swelling.  Wrong size he says.  I got them at a medical store paid the over-priced stockings & they don't fit?  I don't think so.  Well, Dr. A says I disagree with Dr. B.  Personally I think they should've discussed it between them not tell the patient.  I was so mixed up & nervous yesterday.  So tomorrow I got to a different doctor.

Wasn't that fun?  Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me.   Oh!  Don't forget"MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME".   This week's theme is "Feb. 27th - Commercials you like old/new suggested by "I made it through the rain".   Hope you  ALL can make it & BRING ALL your friends.  HUGS  & Have a great weekend!

please follow me in the new follower Linky Follower - thanks! (Even if you're already following.
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The experiences you don't see coming!

Hello my friends!  Do you know someone with an addiction?  Whether it be smoking, alcohol, drugs, food or even gambling?  Let me tell you a true story.  Before my disability I was starting to have problems so I quit my downtown job to take a law office job near my home.  I worked for one attorney, but this attorney was different.  He owned racehorses, and one even won the Kentucky Derby back in 1992 I believe.  My hours were 8 to 5, and an hour off for lunch.  I lived so close I was able to go home for lunch, but actually I had to go anywhere because there was only one computer in the office, and in the a.m. I'd have to wait for him to get off the computer because he was intent about getting the information about his horses, and had to print the horse racing schedules.  In the afternoon, I had to go out because he was checking out his horses to see how they did or how they were doing.  I didn't understand his ways and why he did it in his law firm office.  It was definitely a mystery to me.  This went on everyday for 8 months. Until one day he said to me, "Marie, you're no longer needed around here".  WHAAAAAAAAA???  We're talking left field here.  He told me it was a personality conflict & he stood there watched me pack up & I took everything that was mine & went home.

The next day I applied for unemployment and I was denied because he told them that I was gambling on line & that's why I was canned.  Again WHAAAAAAAA???  So, to shorten the story some I fought this guy tooth & nail for later I found out he was the man gambling on-line.  Hey, to each their own, right?  Whatever trips your trigger my friend, but don't lie about me.  I was able to get Microsoft Network to be an expert witness in my case & the links that my old boss came up with were totally his in accordance of the time that they were used I was not in the building.  There were also a few other people the would share these certain websites with, and I could hear him in the next room talking about the psychology of gambling.  He would say Vegas is great, but on-line is more convenient, and cheaper.  So, all I can say is to each their own.  Guess I just don't understand the whole concept of tables, cards etc., but he did.  He actually new the Psychology of Gambling, and was quite good at it.

So, the court was in my favor, and my name was not only cleared, but I was given my entire back pay of unemployment, and for lying he walked out of that court room with his head down & his tail between his legs because a non-lawyer beat him!  HA - GOTCHA!  When I'm right I will fight you tooth & nail to prove a point, and this point was proven for my good name my father gave me & I wasn't about to watch it being dragged through the mud by some egotistical man!

So did  you like that story?  Nice ending huh?  I just thought I'd throw a few of experiences in here every now and then instead of the same old thing every day.  Hope you liked it and learned something from it.  I don't care who it is don't turn your back on them even if they are your boss.

Disclaimer:  The opinion expressed in this Post is 100% my own and a small monetary compensation was given.  Your experience may differ from mine.  I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Wordless Wednessday

I really wanted the pic of the woman sitting
Hubby took me out last Friday and I seen this woman behind us with this black hat & raccoon tail or whatever it was.  So as I was taking pics around her I was able to get these two (blondie there is my friend Sally).  She finally looked my way & I snapped.  So I say, "KIM WHO?"  What do you think?

Happy Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post a picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!  I blog-hop all day long looking at great pics & blogs, finding new friends! How about you?  I sign up at my buddies below & then from then on WHO KNOWS!  

Mom Spotted with linky
My friend Mrs. Claus over at "Like Christmas Every Day" is sporting a new meme (well, new to me), and it's called Black & White Wednesday & I'm going to try it!  Here's mine:

This is my niece Marie (yes, she was named after me).  She is now 48 yrs. old
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