Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wordless Wednessday & Black & White

Happy Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post a picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!  I've found a new home for Wednesday, and I blog-hop all day long looking at great pics & blogs, finding new friends! How about you?

On the 23rd of December we celebrated 12 wonderful years together! AND HE REMEMBERED!

Mom Spotted with linky
My friend Mrs. Claus over at "Like Christmas Every Day" is sporting a new meme (well, new to me), and it's called Black & White Wednesday & I'm going to try it!  Here's mine:   MY MAMA & ME?
1951 My mama & guess who's in the stroller.

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W.C.Camp said...

I love the anniversary balloon!!! I am just going to take a shot in the dark but is the baby in the stroller a "really GOOD" baby? W.C.C.

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Your mum could surely strike a pose!

chocolatecovereddaydreams.blogspot.com said...

I love the black and white photo of your mom and of course, it's got to be you in the stroller, right??

Felicia said...

Happy anniversary! We celebrated 11 years on the 16th :)

Dominique@Dominique's Desk said...

Happy Anniversary.. Love the balloon you got..

Tricia Nightowlmama said...

happy anniversary and in the stroller that would be U.


Susan Adcox said...

Happy anniversary! Love the retro photo, too!

Unknown said...

Love the Mama picture! I love old photos though!

Merry Christmas Every Day!!!

Anonymous said...

The picture is amazing! I love old family black and whites - I hope you have it up on a wall somewhere :)

Faythe said...

Happy Anniversary! He's a good boy to remember ;) beautiful flowers, just like you!~Faythe @ GMT~

Michelle aka Naila Moon said...

See that anniversary balloon! Your Momma had it going on! lol
Come by if you get a chance to see my photo.

~Naila Moon


Colette S said...

Oh yes I love when they really do remember!

Mine gave me nothing! Not even sure he remembered! I'm still upset.

Happy Belated Anniversary Doll!

dtbrents said...

Great black and white photo. I remember the swim suits like that.

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