Friday, December 30, 2011

Sorry - down with strep throat - flu - whatever

Really sick & hopefully I'll be back by Monday for our Monday's Music Moves Me.  Happy New Year Everyone~

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BethElderton said...

Rest! And I hope you feel better soon.

W.C.Camp said...

That is so smart to get sick at the end of the old year so you can get it out of your system!!! Hang in there and suck down some soup. Happy New Year and hope you feel better! W.C.C.

DeDa Studios said...

Sorry to hear you are sick! Hope you feel better soon!

Jackie said...

Hope you feel better soon!

Mike Golch said...

don't worry about blogging,just get well.Big time Hug. said...

Drink plenty of liquids and feel better soon!

Make It Happen Mama said...

I hear that! I'm on Day 20 of a nasty winter-ish plague, which started with viral bronchitis (according to the doc) and now has morphed into strep throat. I'm sorry you're feeling yucky, too! Fluids! Rest! We'll see you soon :-)

janetfaye said...

I hope you get well soon.

Happy New Year!

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Feel better sweetie!

Blogger Broadcast said...

happy new year! hope you'll be well in no time.

Lucy said...

Rest and take care of yourself! I hope you feel better soon!

You are having a very rough patch with family losses and illness, you need some joy!

Hopefully, soon, with the beginning of 2012 may you be brought joy,less heartache and no more illness.

XmasDolly said...

Amen Lucy and thank you all for your kind healthy wishes - love to you all!

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Poor sweetie! You know I love you and my prayers are with you. If you aren't up to Monday's post, don't worry about it, you can count on us!!
Love you!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

I tried to leave a comment from my phone the other day - and worried that it would have duplicated 10 times, but apparently didn't even register once! :) I hope you feel better, my friend - being sick over the holidays is never fun! ((HUGZ!!)) In Oh-HI-Oh for the night - will be home again (jiggity jigg) tomorrow evening. ;) Sending you warm and healthy thoughts! :)

Colette S said...

I hope you are feeling better. *hug*

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