Thursday, September 29, 2011


Our Tatyanna
 I blinked and she grew up!
My oldest granddaughter B-Day Oct, 1998

Our Brianna
I blinked again! My grandbaby Oct. 2000 B-day soon.

Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Don't forget to sign up so we can all visit and comment on each others pics/blogs! IT'S GREAT FUN! 

Stalk Hop Friday
Stalk Hop Friday! 6 ways to link up, yo! Just click on this button here, and follow their rules!Co-Hosted by Mrs. Marine and my friend, Stacy!

Mrs. Marine and the Tiny Troops

"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers! 

My question is:  How many more birthdays do you have coming up before the end of the year?

It seems like they all come at once sometimes.  I have 2 in October, 2 in November, and 4 in December.  Sheesh!

Wasn't that fun?  Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me.   Oh!  Don't forget"MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME".   This week's theme is any songs from the "80's"!  So ROCK ME!  Oh, and don't forget your button "SPOTLIGHT DANCERS"!   Hope you  ALL can make it. It's tons of fun & don't forget bring a friend!  Hell, bring all your friends.  HUGS  & Have a great weekend!  ROCK ON!

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Scott's Liquid Gold Introduces "Wood Wash" Review & Give-Away



I have been using Liquid Gold for a long time, but I only used it for special occasions, but now I can use it all the time thanks to SCOTT'S LIQUID GOLD "WOOD WASH" Ready-to-use.

Get rid of dirt, grease & grime.  Wood Wash cleans hardwood floors, cabinets & woodwork, and it is available in concentrate or ready-to-use (spray bottle).  When I spoke with the pr at Scott's I explained to her that I needed something that I didn't have to put a lot of elbow grease behind due to lack of strength due to medical problems.  She sent me over the Scott's Liquid Gold Wood Wash, and the Scott's Liquid Gold Wood Wash Concentrate.


 As you can see up above the difference between my kitchen cabinet door before, and the one after & all I used was two rags.  Although I do have six... no nine kitchen cabinets and two drawers I have to do before the holidays at least I don't have to dread the job I'll just play "Karate Kid".  Wipe on!  Wipe off! ~snicker~

Most importantly I'm here to tell you that my sponsor has so generously offered to give you one of my readers the same if you enter my GIVE-AWAY!  WOO HOO!

How to enter:
  • MANDATORY:  Go to and then come back and leave a comment about a product there you'd like to try or something you have learned.    Without this the rest is null & void! I will be checking.  
  •  How to earn additional entries:
  •  Become a follower on my blog (publicly- privately does not count) or tell me if you are already.
  •  Subscribe to my blog by EMAIL   (2 entries).
  •  Blog about this giveaway-with a link back here, and to the sponsor  (5 entries)
  •  Add my BUTTON to your blog, and let me know where to find it.  (2 entries) 
  •  Follow @XmasDolly and @scottsliquidgold on Twitter.  One entry ea.
  • Tweet about this giveaway - (3X  daily - at least an hour in between).
  • Copy/Paste: RT #WIN  Scott's Liquid Gold Introduces "Wood Wash" Review & Give-Away Ends 10.09
  • Become a Fan of  Scott's Liquid Gold on FB,   Leave a comment there that you entered this give-away with this link.   (3 entries).
  • Friend me on FB  (3-entries) and like me on FB (3 entries)
  • Post a comment about this give-away with this link in it on your own FB and leave the link here (2 entries - may be done 3X a day) 
  • Vote for me on White fence 
  •  Fan me on NETWORKED blogs 
  • Leave a relevant comment on one of my non-giveaway posts & put the title in your comment. ( Up to 3 comments per day) 
  • Enter another of my give-aways ( comment as to which one - 5 entries ea.)
  • Enter a Nightowlmama's give-away (my side-bar), and come back & let me know which one.  ( 3 entries).
  • Also, play Monday's Music Moves Me & tell me which video you played, and what date (5 entries) 
*You must have your email in your comment or in your profile in order to win.  If I cannot find one I shall pull another winner.  ALSO:  I WILL BE CHECKING!

Contest ends October 9, 2011 at 11:59pm
Winner will be chosen by and will be e-mailed. The winner has 48 hrs. to respond to my e-mail or another winner will be chosen.

U.S residents Only. Must be at least 18+ yrs old enter.  Only 1 person per household may enter. Winner chosen using and emailed. Must respond within 48 hours or a new winner will be chosen.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my signature

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


"Oh no, what am I going to make tonight"? Why not pick one of our Recipes! Your grandmother's secret recipe has a coming out party,and it's tonight!

Come join our "RECIPE SWAP MEET" If you take one, share one!  All you have to do is sign our linky, grab our button, and show off your Recipe!  Below you will find your Chef-Hostesses XmasDolly (me), and Lori from  
The Shewbridges of Central Florida  (Lorie says Hi!).  Hi-ya! 
Lorie's recipe is at her blog.

We all have recipes from our family archives that we've collected over the years, and maybe some we have swapped from friends, magazines, cookbooks, & neighbors!
PerfectoSo, remember if you take one, share one & sign our linky, grab our button, and we'll rush over to your place and grab yours!  Oh, and don't forget to follow and we'll happily return the love!    I can hardly wait to see your family's old recipes and try them!  That's it!  Short & Sweet!  Let's start cookin'!  So, if you're stumped on what to make tonight stop over by Dolly & Lorie's RECIPE SWAP MEET!  Our button is in my right side bar!    



smell this - mmmm
  • 1 pork tenderloin
  • 1 PKG. dry onion soup mix
  • 1 cup water
  • 3/4 cup red wine
  • 3 tablespoons minced garlic
  • 3 tablespoons soy sauce
  • freshly ground black pepper to taste


  1. Place pork tenderloin in a slow cooker with the contents of the soup packet. Pour water, wine, and soy sauce over the top, turning the pork to coat. Carefully spread garlic over the pork, leaving as much on top of the roast during cooking as possible. Sprinkle with pepper, cover, and cook on low setting for 4 hours.  Come on now aren't you hungry already. 


Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.

  So now all you have to do is sign our linky to lead us and/or our guests to you to swap a recipe.  Check them all out, and we'll check yours.  If you don't want to write it all down & know of one on line just post a link to it on your blog or leave it in a comment if you prefer!  Enjoy and Bona Petite!!!  Thanks for cooking/sharing along with us!  Don't forget to grab our button if you're a fan!

Thanks for stopping by, and playing along with us.  Don't forget to grab our button, FOLLOW & leave a nice comment please!

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Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Wordless Wednesday!

Happy Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post a picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed OVER AT JAVA'S! So, I've found a new home for Wednesday, and I blog-hop all day long looking at great pics & blogs, finding new friends.! How about you?  I don't think Java has started up with this one yet, but when she does I'm ready!
BIL, Niece & SIL

Hubby's sister on the right and her daughter who just graduated College!!  Ya think she's happy?  LOL
We're all so proud of our Lura!

     Mom Spotted with linky

For more Wordless Wednesday visit 5 Minutes 4 MomHere and ThereGo Graham Goand  
Hobo Mama’s WW Linky List

 eh - eh - eh!  DON'T TOUCH THAT DIAL!  Stay tuned for our next show coming up!  Right after this word from our sponsor!   Featuring:

Our "Recipe Swap Meet" tomorrow!  Don't forget to grab our button and play along... and you could share your secrets with us.  We won't tell any body!  ~snicker-snicker~ 

 This meme has been mentioned at The Bz House that Love Built!  Also, my other meme "Monday's Music Moves Me" (her button is in my side bar)!


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And now a word from our sponsor... EdenFantasys!

Stay tune for station identification!   

Yes, it's true!  Edenfantasys taught me that life is too short, so don't worry... be happy!   I use to think that helping yourself out so to speak was only something that was between you and you!  Now there are many people out there that are prudes, and for less confrontation with them why broadcast it, right?  So, you keep it behind close doors between you and you or you and  your partner, but why not let your partner join in you say?  Hey Girlfriend, go for it!

*Now back to our regularly assigned station.
For many of us coffee is our first thought of the day other then hitting the powder room.  Just the thought of coffee gives us the buzz, energy and the power boost to ask ourselves should I take that second cup, do I make it at home or shell out another $4 bucks at the local Starbucks as I race to work?  So you decide to do both if you've seen the new research that suggests women who drink more than one cup a day may decrease their risk of depression.

The more coffee women drink, the greater we reduce our risk of depression according to this study, and since one in five women are diagnosed with depression at some point in life, it may be worth contemplating that double shot of espresso.  So, is it any wonder why  
edenfantasys wants to meet us at the Cafe!

Let's all go to the lobby, let's all go to the lobby. Let's all go to the lobby to get ourselves a drink.
So, back at the Cafe what do you find there? Whatever your heart desires.  There are reviews, opinions, about everything and anything.  So, what does eden fantasys mean to you?  Is it a toy store, clothing store, Victoria Secret deli with better prices, book or video store or maybe just a place to browse and relax!  Edenfantasys is whatever you want it to be, I'm sure!  To me it's my fantasy store.  Now what or who do I want to be today?  

Have a great day ladies! 

**And now back to our regularly scheduled program!!!
(See my next Post)!
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Sunday, September 25, 2011

X-Factor comes to "Monday's Music Moves Me"


  XmasDolly  Head Conductor here!   Lorie of  The Shewbridges of Central, Florida,   CALLIE from JAmericanSpice,  and my good Bud Stacy from Stacy Uncorked ! (APPLAUSE).    ARE YOU READY TO ROCK & ROLL EVERYONE?  GRAB A FRIEND AND COME ON DOWN!

ALL ABOARD!  We're eager to greet you at the station, and we're  F-O-L-L-O-W-I-N-G  YOU as soon as your train arrives.  So, leave your link a rockin' comment check our linky for your next stop!  Rock to the tunes AND FOLLOW!  Don't forget GET THOSE NEW NEIGHBORS!

 If you DO NOT want to do a video or can't you can still dance with us and listen to everyone's choices, but we do ask that you grab our button, follow us, and leave us a luvin' comment & maybe just put a link up to one would be great; FOLLOW - FOLLOW YOUR NEIGHBORS & drop a line!

*NOTICE!  R rated videos must come with a "warning" Viewer needs to choose Whether to watch or not  in case children are around! 

ALSO: Using our linky for Advertising give-aways, and/or for followers will be IGNORED & LABELED - NO SONGS!  However, if you choose to Post your video & then a give-away it's fine with us as  (AND I get to enter ~snicker). 
Today's theme is  a "FREEBIE"!

First:  You Tube, and lock & load! 
Secondly:  Grab "Monday's Music Moves Me" Button (on the right).
Third:  SIGN LINKY , Follow us, grab our buttons & leave us a Rockin' comment from your BAD selves!
Finally,Boogie on down to your Fellow Rockin' Bloggers on our Linky or bring some back with you to join us! Drag them back kickin' and hollarin' who cares, just bring them all back!!!  
TUNE, GRAB OUR  BUTTON, FOLLOW US, SIGN LINKY, AND FIND FELLOW ROCKERS AND BRING THEM BACK picks two people to showcase in our 4M SPOTLIGHT DANCE!  WOO HOO!  I will e-mail you if I can find your e-mail address, and let you know, so please leave your e-mail address if it's not available at your blog.   

RaveRave Girl
Drum Roll
    1. #16 Lost for Words
    2.  #20 Scriptor
Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Now, on the right you'll see a button "Spotlight Dancers" - Please feel free to get yours if you're a Spotlight Dancer & show off on your own blog!  ENJOY and DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW!


So everyone is buzzin' about the "X-Factor".  Well, I didn't get to watch it, but I did on You Tube, and here's the ones that I thought were worth sharing

The Best of the Night!

Stop in the name of Love?

There's hope for you yet!

May God Bless each & every one of you!

Thank you for playing along with us!

Visit AmandaRun DMT, and Hairbows & Guitar Picks for more Music Monday fun.

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