Friday, December 30, 2011

Sorry - down with strep throat - flu - whatever

Really sick & hopefully I'll be back by Monday for our Monday's Music Moves Me.  Happy New Year Everyone~

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Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Wordless Wednessday & Black & White

Happy Wordless Wednesday is a great day to post a picture that “speaks” for itself, no words needed!  I've found a new home for Wednesday, and I blog-hop all day long looking at great pics & blogs, finding new friends! How about you?

On the 23rd of December we celebrated 12 wonderful years together! AND HE REMEMBERED!

Mom Spotted with linky
My friend Mrs. Claus over at "Like Christmas Every Day" is sporting a new meme (well, new to me), and it's called Black & White Wednesday & I'm going to try it!  Here's mine:   MY MAMA & ME?
1951 My mama & guess who's in the stroller.

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Monday, December 26, 2011

Monday's Music Moves Me



  Our Music Train has arrived!  Head Conductor, XmasDoll (me).  My co-conductors: Lorie - The Shewbridges of Central Florida, ,
Callie - JAmericanSpice  & Stacy Stacy Uncorked!/

ALL ABOARD we're eager to greet you at the station & F-O-L-L-O-W   U too!  SIGN OUR LINKY, grab our button  & leave a NICE comment!  Leaving a link to your rocking video .

*NOTICE!  R rated videos must come with "WARNING" ALSO: Using our linky for give-aways, and/or more followers IS A NO-NO! You will be LABELED - NO SONGS!    Just sayin...
THIS WEEK'S THEME': Best songs for 2011 or something from 2011 was the best for you.
The first thing for me would be this past Christms is the best one I've had in a very long time Thanks to my family and friends.  Even though I lost a few close people in my life they will love on in my heart, but many more are still in my life to keep me happy & fullfilled.
First:  You Tube, and lock & load! 
Secondly:  Grab our button
Third:  SIGN LINKY , Follow us, grab our buttons & leave a comment!
Finally,Boogie to Fellow Rockin' Bloggers on our Linky or bring some back with you to join us! 

Now will pick two people for our 4M SPOTLIGHT DANCE!  

RaveRave Girl

Drum Roll
 "Spotlight Dancers" button on the right- All dancers may display on their blogs, BUT only if they're chosen.  ENJOY & DON'T FORGET TO FOLLOW!

Linky Tools subscription expired. List not available.
Let us pause - for a brief announcement!
Any folks that would like volunteer to fill-in as a co-conductor, please leave a comment letting me know.  Your generosity would be most appreciated.  You'll be following all on our linky, leaving a merry comment & thanking them for joining us.  Holidays we get busy too & time is short; I WILL NOT let my readers/followers down!  If you sign our linky you WILL be visited & followed by each one of us to show our appreciation for you playing along.  I promise you that. 

TOP 10 FROM 2011

Also, I'm still looking for twitter followers being as I'm stuck in limbo & cannot follow anyone until I get more followers.  THANKS.
Hope you had fun & here's hopes to see you next time & you bring a friend!

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Thursday, December 22, 2011


Alicia at More than Words started "Friday Photo Flashback". I'm having a blast & you can too! Dig out your photo album! Don't forget to sign up so we can all visit and comment on each others pics/blogs! IT'S GREAT FUN!  BUT FOR TODAY SHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH It's December 23, 1999, and no one knows, but Dave, and I we're about to elope!
Mr. & Mrs. David Moody Happy 12th Anniversary to us! WOO HOO!
Now granted this was not the day we eloped.  As sad as it is we forgot all about taking pictures on our wedding day!  Dan you believe it???  So on Christmas Eve we always spend that with his mother & family & Dave stands up & says "Family I have something to tell you! I found out later they thought he was engaged, but never in their wildest deams did they think their precious 42 yr. old bachelor would be married.  WRONG!  SHOCK isn't really the word to use.  The Christmas day at my house we broke it to the kids that we eloped, and they were all happy for us because they knew how happy I was.   These pics were taken six months later almost to the day June 24th and we exchanged vows in front of a priest this time in our backyard with Mom present.  It was her only baby boy who had never been married, so we had a wedding with cake, and throwing of the bouquet & all.  AND IT RAINED ALL DAY!  SHEESH!

Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!
Please join in the fun over at Java's place, and get to know your fellow bloggers at Never Growing Old!!
GRAB JAVA'S BUTTON!  She's such a sweetie!  Thanks Java for hosting a fun meme!

StacyMrs. Marine and the Tiny TroopsStalk Hop Friday

Stalk Hop Friday! 6 ways to link up, yo! Just click on this button here, and follow their rules!Co-Hosted by Mrs. Marine and my friend, Stacy!



"In Hawaii, Aloha Friday a day of rest. So we're doin' the same. On Fridays we're taking it easy on posting. Therefore, our hostess is asking a simple question for you to answer; nothing that requires a lengthy response.If you’d like to participate, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place     of Don’t forget to visit the other participants! It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers! 

My question is: So are you all ready?

I love Pedicures - hehehe or is that HO HO HO!
Answer: Tomorrow is going to be one hectic day for me because I missed two pages in my address book so I still have cards to get out and gifts to wrap galore BUT I finished shopping today with my daughter.  She came over and helped, but we had a GREAT Mother & Daughter day!  One of her presents was to get a pedicure done with her Mommy, but she only wanted a manicure, so she got that, and I got my usual.  Fingers & toes & then we went to Portillo's & Walmart!  Funnnnnnnn!  Love you baby!

Wasn't that fun?  Have a Great Weekend Everyone, and THANKS for stopping by, and following me.   Oh!  Don't forget"MONDAY'S MUSIC MOVES ME".   This week's theme is anything to do with New Years Eve, from resolutions, best song of the year or video, or how you're gonna party and dance the night away!  What was your best song of 2011~ Oh, and don't forget your button "SPOTLIGHT DANCERS"!   Hope you  ALL can make it. It's tons of fun & don't forget bring a friend!  Hell, bring all your friends.
  HUGS  & Have a great weekend!  ROCK ON!

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Monday, December 19, 2011


Dr. Mary Gordon to the left & myselfHi, this is my cardiologist, and lately I've had a few problems and I believe I owe my readers a few explanations, and I'm going to try and make them short & sweet.  Last week I had a bad reaction to some new meds, but long story short this wonderful lady got me on the right track & I'm doing fine now as far as that's concerned.

Right after my appointment we had lunch in North Aurora & I met up with "Glitterbabe" (Steph & good friend), and NightOwlMama (my daughter), and we had lunch at Harners. We had a great time I must say. Steph gave me some of her wonderful, gorgeous cards (by the way they're all used up already they are to to precious), and I gave her some art stuff for her cards & my daughter got a free lunch & will have to wait for Christmas (I'm such a mean mommy).  There was a great time to be had I must say.  Tricia never met Steph, but they hit it off well.  

Now my days are a little mixed up, but I believe that's when my dark cloud rolled in.  I lost my close cousin Dom, and then a few days ago I lost my brother's wife Linda, my sister-in-law.  Sunday was the wake & Monday was the funeral.  So I would like to apologize here and now to all my readers/followers for Monday's Music Moves Me for not being present today, but the Funeral wasn't the only reason.  Saturday I had an accident.  I slipped & fell on my stairs while I was sweeping a bit of snow. I slipped cracked my head on the stairs & yelled for Dave.  He was in the house in the study, which is on the other side of the house & couldn't hear me.  I cracked my head so hard I saw stars & my head & butt was really hurting & I was sitting on a very wet stair & driveway.  I yelled & nothing.  My dog was out with me & I tried to tell the dog to go get Daddy, but I only frustrated her more.  I couldn't move from the waist down & I did finally reach the broom I had & started banging on the railing & still nothing.  I yelled, and I cried & still no Dave.  Finally about 20 minutes later a little girl about 12 was walking her dog & my dog barked at hers & caught her attention to me on the ground.  She yelled are you alright?  No, could you come over and ring my door bell & get my husband?  She did & he came out & tried to pick me up and when he put his arms under my arms & back & tried to lift I heard another crack & I whispered in his ear 911.  He ran inside (he was only wearing a robe & I thanked the little girl. & said she could go.  I was freezing & asked for a blanket & Dave came out after putting clothes on & the ambulance was there. They got me on a gurney & in the ambulance.  I guess I was so cold my veins collapsed & they couldn't get a IV INTO ME.  

Anyway, shorten the story some here I'm alright.  I woke up with a New Years Eve hangover & coconut bump to the head, but nothing broke except my pride.  I did make it to my SIL wake with the help of a walker, some drugs & my husband not to mention my eldest son by my side the whole time, but didn't make the funeral due to all the dam drugs I'm on.  So, I will visit my 4M followers/friends from yesterday soon.  I will not let you down, but a big thank you goes out to Denise DMT for covering for me if she got my message and the rest of my co-elves for holding down the fort.  Lorie, Callie & Stacy!  Love you guys!  and MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!  HUGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
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