Okay, today is Saturday, and all we do is just spend time together the hubby and I. This is a good thing. He plays on his computer, and I play on mine. LOL We have become Face Book junkies. I like the games. He likes the jokes and talking with friends. Of course he has his own blog too for his music. www.bananamoon.info Yes, my husband is a musician. He has recently formed yet another band. He was looking for a drummer when I happened to find one believe it or not in Menard's. He was referred to me to install our basement door. How cool is that, and he's an excellent drummer, and a very personable guy (and he's cool). Then there's Dave's bass player he has finally found, and how you ask? Well, on the Internet of course!
Here's what they look like. Well, maybe a better picture down the road. Yes, we have Rock & Roll here all the time, and just so you can get a little glimpse of what practice is like I've added a video. Enjoy my friends! Soon they'll be out on the road, and you might have to pay to hear them jam. Thanks for listening. ROCK ON!