Thursday, April 29, 2010

HAPPY Aloha Friday FOLLOW!

Happy Friday Follow, Aloha Friday & are you ready for the... 
The BLOG HOP TAG? (Tune to Ball n' the Jack)!
 First you put your two fingers close up tight
Then you hit duh link on da left, & then duh one on da right,
Search around the blogs & all in sight, &
then you hop around and hop around half the night.
Spread your lovin' comments in CyberSpace
Then you do the CyberRock with style and grace
Now you follow me, and I follow you back
That's what I call duh
READY, SET, GO!  Friday Follow is hosted by some pretty awesome  ladies. One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families and Midday Escapades!  They have invited us to join them every Friday to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting new blogs.  It's all about sharing and having fun.

If you’d like to participate in Aloha Friday, just post your own question on your blog and leave your link at the very friendly place of  It’s a great way to make new bloggy friends and find new followers!

My question is: How did your husband propose?

My husband wasn't romantic at all (I wish).  It was Christmas in a few weeks, and he was laid-off from work & he said I'm broke & all I have to give you for Christmas is my name.  We eloped a week later!  ~hehe~ What do you think I'm stupid?  I snatched him up quicker than you can say "I do". 


Did you make your "Daily Drop" today?


Anonymous said...

He didn't, I did. Just ask him!

Twincerely,Olga said...

he got on one knee and asked me to make him the happiest man in the world~would you marry me?Had a beautiful ring if I said yes!Of course I did!!!Aloha

Christy said...

Following you back, and looking forward to exploring your site,and following along on your adventures. :O)

Tatum said...

Not married now & I don't have any urge to do that over again. But the first time it just kinda of happened when he asked if I wanted to pick out the ring (I should of ran & fast).

Sandra Burns said...

Well, Santa hid my ring in the Christmas tree, and he proposed sitting in our living room. I thought it was very romantic, but I guess it just depends on where your heart is at the time, and not so much the amount of fluff in the proposal.

Night Owl Mama said...

do I have to go over that again. LOL
he took me to the bar where we met and asked me in the parking lot with Ryan in the back seat we were on our way out to dinner.

BY the way the bar was closed down he acted like the car had something wrong with the tires and he got out to look

sues2u2 said...

He didn't, I did. He was in Korea & I asked him if we were really going to get married & when. He replied & that was it. Not very romantic but it worked. *grin*

Design It Chic said...

it was right after our 2 yrs anniversary together and he already bought me a present for that so who would have expected that the next day he would get down on one knee and blinded me with a big rock asking me to be his wife??? now who doesn't want 2 rocks in a row???:):):), i love him:P that's always a plus... no, seriously now.. i do love him.. seriously people.. stop laughing there in the back.. eh.. why bother:):):)

Colette S said...

He was here in another country and I was there in another country. He couldn't wait for his time off to come visit again so he called and asked me over the phone! Very bold move for a very reserved man.

I said yes. I probably paused a bit, wondering if that was what i wanted etc etc.

Anonymous said...

Hi there! Stopping by from FF. I loved reading your blog, I'll be back soon! I'm following you!

I would love for you to visit me at

Have a beautiful day
Becky :)

JennyMac said...

I will just say that my proposal was AWESOME.

Happy FF!

Liz Mays said...

I think it was just a casual question while hanging out in my apartment in college. Boring...

Dee said...

It was not long before Christmas and there were lights everywhere and he got down on his knee and asked!

CMash said...

How ironic is this question. He proposed while I was laaying on my mom's couch (still lived home)while I was recuperating from my 1st back surgery.
Good ?. My ? is here

Beth @ TheAngelForever said...

TechyDad was visiting me at my parents house for a long July 4th weekend. That same weekend the AC died. I passed out on the ground one night from the heat and he asked my father. The next day we went mini-golfing. While I knew nothing, the entire family and city knew it was coming. Each time we would get home they kept coming to greet us and I did not know why. We were going to a nice dinner that night, but it was Sunday and the restaurant close. We went to Friendlys and came home. TechyDad insisted on taking a walk under the stars. As we came back around the block he got down on one knee, squished some bugs and asked me to marry him.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

How sweet! He proposed one day before we went to work.

Unknown said...

I am not sure if you want to hear this but hey, you asked it. He did it after we finished "doing it" what a great time, huh? Of course I said yes and here we are so many years later. We just celebrated our 22nd Anniversary.

Lori said...

Neither me or my husband are very romantic, but he did take me to the beach and propose. I was caught extremely off guard and a crazy discussion followed. I like to say that we "Forrest Gumped our way right through the whole thing" It's a good memory though:)

I am Harriet said...

It was really uneventful...but, I've been married for 25 years.

Have a great Friday!

Sandra Burns said...

I added your button to my blog! Thanks for adding mine to yours . . .we Christmas chicks gotta stick together! LOL!!!

Willa said...

Hi, I'm here to return the visit and also to follow you back. Thanks for visiting my blog.:)

Stacy Uncorked said...

My hubby isn't a romantic, either - I had to ask him if there was a question to go along with the ring he casually gave me one day while we were watching TV. :)

Anonymous said...

He just said let's go get married this weekend and we did.

Jenna said...

I'm your newest follower from FF! You can visit/follow me at :)


Becca said...

Here from both memes, but no husband so no proposal story! Following you tho :)

Kelly L said...

Happy FF - I think the proposal was romantic! My husband of 21 years - proposed with a bendable engagement ring that he had gotten from a wedding the previous week... always the joker..

Love to you

I'm your new stalker! :)

I am Harriet said...

Hi there.
I'm stopping by to thank you for taking on the comment challenge this month. Come on by for a special award for you.
Thanks again!

Jen said...

Mine was nothing special, not even dinner. The marriage didn't last very long.

Anonymous said...

Never been married

Hi, there, visiting from Friday Follow. I am brand new to this and also have a brand new blog at
I am now your newest follower and look forward to your updates. Would love if you could drop by my blog.

Kelly Miller said...

Mine proposed as I was yelling NO WIRE HANGERS! at him and laughing. He whipped around with the box. It was perfectly in tune with how we love being silly and catching each other off guard.

Anonymous said...

Happy Friday Follow and Aloha Friday. Aw, your hubby was sweet in his proposal. Mine proposed 6 months after we started dating. He asked me at 1:00 am sitting in a booth at a Denny's Restaurant. The waitress was more excited than I was. LOL.

Hey, I've tagged you for a fun photo meme:


Anonymous said...

I'm already a follower.

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