Sunday, October 2, 2016

E-mail Info... We definitely should listen!

How do Dogs know?
Have you ever heard that a dog 'knows' when an earthquake is about to hit?

Have you ever heard that a dog can 'sense' when a tornado is stirring up, even 20 miles away?
Do you remember hearing that before the December
tsunami struck Southeast Asia,
dogs started running frantically away from the seashore, at breakneck speed?
Do you know that dogs can detect cancer and other
serious illnesses and danger of fire?

Somehow they always know when they can 'go
for a ride' before you even ask.
How do those dogs and cats get home from
hundreds of miles away?
I'm a firm believer that animals - and especially
cats and dogs - have keen insights into the Truth.
And you can't tell me that dogs can't sense a
potentially terrible disaster well in advance.

Simply said, a dog just KNOWS when something
isn't right... when impending doom is upon us.

They'll always try to warn us of a disaster!

We should listen!

1 comment:

Danielle S said...

I remember the night before our big 7.5 earthquake. Our rottweiler was going nuts! Other happenings before our earthquake from other animals: raccoons coming down out of the mountains and wandering into the desert; and bears coming down from the mountains. They knew something was coming. If my dogs start acting like our old rott, Athena, then we will be prepared. (well, hopefully, the dogs we have right now are a bit dim witted.)

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