Yul BrynnerBuddy Ebsen
Don Rickles
Mae West
Dolly Parton
Tom Hanks
Patrick Stewart
William Shatner
Fred Gwynne
Sean Connery
Dwight Eisenhower
Marlon Brando
WWII Lucy and Desi
Glenn Ford
Dan Blocker
Young Jack
Charles Durning
Gene Hackman
Steve McQueen
Johnny Cash
Jack Benny
Leonard Nimoy
Brothers James Arness
and Peter GravesClark Gable
Clint Eastwood
Frank Sinatra
Ed McMahon
Lee Marvin
Pau Newman
Edward G Robinson WW I
Farrah Fawcett
Jack Nicholson
Barbara Streisand
Jay Leno
Bruce Willis
Richard Gere
Great photos. Thanks for sharing.
My fave has got to be Lucy. William Shatner looks a little bit like Jack Palance in that photo. Mae West was very pretty when she was young, and probably knew it. Clark Gable is such a little cutie. I have a picture of my grandfather when he was about 3 years old. He has super long hair in long sausage curls. Poor guy.
Awesome to see these people when they were young.
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