Wednesday, October 20, 2010


NaNee & "Bri"
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY GRANDDAUGHTER BRIANNA!  We call her "B" or "Bri"!  She's such a precious little soul!  She just turned "10" years last week.  Mom & Dad gave her a wonderful Costume Party as she wanted, and all her friends, and family were there.  Come join in on the fun!
The "Godfather" Uncle Paulie & Aunt Donna
Having fun on the trampoline
Grandpa & Uncle Paulie 
I must say Mama & Daddy worked hard to put this shindig together.  Daddy barbecued burgers, mama invited, cleaned, cooked, and got everything ready for her little girl.  Here they are dishing out the goodies.  (NightOwlMama that's my baby).
Woo Hoo - Happy Birthday to you!  Happy Birthday to you!

Make a wish baby girl!
Mom's got the cake, and Dad's got the ice cream!  Hey!  Where's mine?  I'll have ice cream too please!  Ha! Like I need that! LOL

Awww, What a good Grandpa! Feeding our little Shawnie!    
Pinata!  oooo
Eh,eh,eh Caught you Grandpa!
Big Brother Smooshed cake & looks like she got him back too!

ooooooooo PRESENTS!
Uh-oh!  Caught you too Little Bro!

The party is over!  Little brother Shawn pooped out!
One of the things NaNee got me! Well, it's getting dark and the party is over! 

Awwwwww, Hope you all had a nice time!  I know we did!  Thanks for coming!


Cakeblast said...

Looks like she had a very happy birthday! I like the Supergirl outfit :)

Veronica Lee said...

Happy Birthday to Brianna! Love the pics!

Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Visit and Follow from blog hop.
I'm your follower.
Have a nice day.
Nan said...

Bri is beautiful! Love that smile! I have a niece named Brianna and she's also called Bri.

Looks like it was a wonderful birthday celebration.

Night Owl Mama said...

Awww Fun post u took great pics

Liz Mays said...

What a great party she had, and she looks like mama, doesn't she?

Patricia said...

Looks like Fun and that trampoline looks tempting-want to jump in too :)

Aww nice pictures-Happy Birthday Bri!~ Hope you had a fun time :)

CMash said...

Happy Bday Bri!!! Where's my piece of cake? Oh never mind...not allowed on Nutrisystem.

Adaptable Kay said...

Awwww!! Goodness, that DOES look like quite the shindig! Seriously, those smiles say it all :)

I'm glad you guys had such a fun time and it looks like a beautiful day for a party!

Happy 10th Birthday Bri!

Colette S said...

Whooo that's a party! I want to be your neighbor.

Happy birthday to your sweet grandbaby.

Sofa King said...

Looks like fun, and good food. I should've went with you, but had to practice with the band. I voted for ya, Hon! Hey EVerybody VOTE for my girl here~

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