Tuesday, September 7, 2010


Friday Night Jazz Club
                  MY LABOR DAY WEEKEND
Saturday night  Briscole

For more WW, visit Seven Clown Circus by clicking on her button below or her link, and take a look around while your there. It's a great blog with many interesting things to read, and do! I love browsing around at her site.  Now, I'm not sure, but I believe there's a new site where you hook up at & this is the link: http://www.wordlesswednesday.com/newhome/
My brother-in-law and sister-in-law on Labor Day
My Hubby Dave with his sister Jeri (and my good friend).


Crisc said...

Looks like you had a great weekend, lovely pics =)

A Daft Scots Lass said...

Nice pix. Thanx for sharing.

Little Mochi said...

Fun pix ;)

Stacy Uncorked said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend! :)

WW: Doggy Camp

CMash said...

My Nana made Briscole every Sunday in her gravy (or as other's say sauce). WOW..you must know Italian to be able to spell that dish lol. I voted today!!

Colette S said...

Looks like you had a fun weekend! That's how to do it. Music, food and family :)

Claremont First Ward said...

Looks like you had a wonderful Labor Day weekend!

Gem said...

What a fun labor day weekend you had!

Anonymous said...

I expect an invite next year!

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great weekend!

Night Owl Mama said...

Awww Dave and his Sissy how cute

W.C.Camp said...

Wow my Labor Day was exactly the same if you replace the wine with an oversized Diet Coke, the food with a half of a day old white bread and bologna 'sammie'. At least I had the wife to share in the pain so it WAS a great labor day after all! Nice Pix. W.C.C.

Anonymous said...

Yummmy, that briscole looks good! I see you all had a great time. Smiles.

alicia said...

Holidays are best with family. Looks like fun. Happy WW!

Faythe said...

Looks like a fun weekend! next time remember to invite us! ;)

Anonymous said...

You mention food and I'm there :) Thanks for stopping by, right back at’cha!

Patricia said...

Wow! looks like you had an amazing weekend! Great pics :D

Sofa King said...

How can I possibly make some kind of comment (irrelevant or irreverent) on a "wordless Wednesday"?

Sofa King said...

Okay, I'm sorry.....I'm at a loss for words.

Cher said...

Looks like fun!

~ Noelle said...

looks like YOU had a GREAT weekend!

Stef H said...

well it certainly looks like you had a great weekend! yaaaay!

you can remove me from the earring giveaway. i cancelled mine. absolutely NO ONE played. not a one and just a few comments. must not have made it interesting enough. but then, i'm not the giveaway person. oh well. win some, lose some. i just don't want your players to come by and not find the post.

not much else going on around here. busy - and lovin' this weather!

talk to you soon.

hugs :)

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Great weekend pics! Yummmy Sat night meal! And it is always fun to spend time with family...Looks like you all had lots of fun.

Blessings & Aloha!
Thank you sooooo much for stopping over at my last post... I hope that I can get my post for this week up! Our trip to see our kiddos was wonderful, but it went toooo quickly!...it's back to work and havent had time to do any blog stuff til now...

More Than Words said...

Those are cute photos!!!! Looks like you had a fun Labor Day!!

Anonymous said...

Your husband just did a cute smile. same with your in-laws. happy pictures=)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dolly! I've been here everyday voting ABSOLUTELY - smiles. You just didn't have anything new up so... Anyway I guess I could've twitter something and said "Hi" right? Smiles. Dave and his brother and sister all favor - it's sweet to see.

Java said...

Thanks for linking up Doll!! I look forward to your awesome comments every single time!

Love ya!!


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