Thursday, July 8, 2010


A friend of mine started "Friday Photo Flashback" because of having so many pictures from her PRE-digital camera days. She thought it would be fun to scan them and share them here with you. I'm having so much fun doing this, that I would love for you to join me, too! So dig out the photo albums and put your scanner to good use! Don't forget to sign in to MckLinky so we can all visit and comment on each others blogs!  I personally think it's a great idea, and sounds like fun!  I totally love old pictures.  Hey I use to have a camera like that.

 This was taken in 1999/2000  New Years Eve.  Starting at the left is my husband Dave and I, Standing next to me is my daughter Tricia (NightOwlMaMa) and her hubby, and on the bottom is my sister-in-law Donna & my step-brother Paulie.  We had a fantastic time.


Are you a blogger over 40? Yeah, welcome to the club!

Please join in the fun and get to know your fellow bloggers at Never Growing Old!!


Karen Mortensen said...

Looks like fun.

Hootin Anni said...

I bet it was super fun out on New Year's. This meme, I may do someday.

LEGEND OF MARY'S BEAN is my Friday blog.

Have a great weekend.

Laurencita said...

Nice picture, you really had fun during that time.

Laurencita said...

I am following you also....Nice knowing you.

Veronica Lee said...

That's a lovely pic. How fun!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

The picture indeed showed so much and your husband made a good pair..=)

Colette S said...

Oh for good memories!

I'm glad you had a lovely time! I think I was just getting my first real job :)

Unknown said...

Old photos are like dust in this house--they're everywhere. I love pictures. My dresser top is full of small, framed pics of my family over the years.

Glad you came by to visit Steadfast. Come November, we will be heading back to sea and you can come along for the ride. I'm so glad you only used that part of the old saw about us being "wiser". :) Rosemary

Lorie Shewbridge said...

Great photo... I'm like Rosemary, I have photos all over my house in frames and in scrapbooks. I wish I had a good scanner to put my old pics in my computer because there are so many that I'd love to put on my blog and share with my friends.
You and Tricia have hardly changed at all in 10 years, you both still look beautiful!

Unknown said...

Awesome picture! Coming from Aloha party!
Come follow me back. I am your newest follower.
Happy Aloha!

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Great photo of a fun time with family. Amazing isn't it to think of us going from the 1900's to 2000!!! That took me a long time to say the year "2000".

Blessings & Aloha!

More Than Words said...

What a great picture!! And I had NO IDEA that Night Owl Mama is your daughter!!!

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