Well, for a first time blog hopper it took me a long time, but I did have fun. I'm following a few more people after all that too & a couple new followers. I'm so excited. This cyberspace stuff is amazing. I'd like to thank everyone I met/new followers for making me feel at home. I'd like to share with you places I've been, so I grabbed their buttons to make it easy for you & me because I know I'm going back.

The first one I visited was Nightowlmama. Now, if you've been following her and/or me you'll already know that this is my little girl (the oldest of five/to the right). She's my first baby who has given four beautiful grandchildren. She gave me my very first grandbaby at the ripe old age of 39. YEAH, DID YA HEAR ME???? HELLO??? ARE YA PAYING ATTENTION? I SAID 39!! Well, ain't no way some screaming little brat was going to call me GRAMMA for heavens sakes. I DON'T THINK SO! BUT -- then I saw this beautiful brown eyed baby boy, and my heart melted, but Gramma? Okay, how about NaNa (which is Gramma in Italian), and as he got older, and he started talk he called me NaNee, which stuck & I'm fine with it. My first grandson, Ryan is to the right hugging his Auntie MiMi which is my youngest baby who lives in Iowa with her husband, and son Edward (my number seven grandchild).
So, where were we? Oh yes, blogging! My oldest daughter when I went on disability due to a back operation, I began working at home as a transcriptionist & she said in my down time I should surf the web, and possibly create a website/blog. It took me months to make up my mind to venture into web, and the first place I went was naturally my baby's blog, Nightowlmama (button to the right). I was amazed to see how wonderful it was. I told her when I grow up I want to be just like her. I also went to see Laughing through the Chaos that was such a neat site too. I grabbed everyone's button I could find, so I'm just going to say click on them, and go see for yourself. There's really a lot of interesting things out there. Another website was http://www.brendasblogfromparaguay.com was beautiful and so interesting; www.petulaw.com - what a multi-talented lady. Look on my rolling buttons here that my daughter did for me - thank you baby - and pick a few out for yourself. You won't regret it. Everybody has something to offer. I think I found a few new friends too! Have fun.
1 comment:
YOUR Oldest grandson has BROWN EYES there mom! lol
That was very nice of you to grab their buttons I hope you mentioned that you did that if it wasn't for a giveaway entry. I'm sure they will appreciate it.
I love you TOO
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