This young lady here I've known for about 40 yrs., and we lost touch about 25 yrs. ago. One day I was at a wake, my cousin's husband had past away, and at the funeral home a gentleman come up to me, and said, "Aunt Dolly? It's P.J.!", and I knew him immediately. I hadn't seem him since he was about 10 yrs. old. and here he was a grown man now. We talked, and I asked how his mother was doing, and well as you see this was our reunion! After all the blubbering was over we talked for hours and hours, and we're both so happy we have found each other again as you can see.
My friend Debbie, my cousin Kim (who sort of brought us back together), and myself!
Everything happens for a reason!
My friend Debbie recently had back surgery, and is doing wonderful in such a short time, and needless to say my back surgery was in 2006, and I just keep getting worse. I'm going to start seeing her doctor hopefully next month, and I hope he can do for me the miracle he performed on my dearest friend. I'll keep you posted. Hope you all enjoyed my little story.